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The melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.

I just finished watching the series so I will give my small and truthful review of it.

This series kinda struck me home by the fact that as a child I was practically obsessed with aliens and paranormal things believing them to be true, much like the Haruhi herself. what I like about the series is the production value of the overall series, especially the cg art and animation quality. Also the characters, they all fit their design like glove to hand. The only thing I did not like about it is that they place the ending of the series in the middle of the time span it covers and that the series has many loops and holes, enough so that many people expect a second season.

I give this series ninety flavors of awesome out of a hundred.


  • I personally liked the jumping around, since it seemed to sort of fit with the story itself.

    But it's actually based on a series of novels so its most likely that there are lots of other things that happen in the time span that we don't see in the show, that could easily be covered in a second season. And Kyoto Animation (the show's animators) are currently doing Lucky Star, but I imagine once that is done they'll be back to Haruhi.
  • I doubt they will finish lucky star soon, it seems like the type of anime that takes a long time to end. -____-
  • The thing about Haruhi is that is a good show but is not good enough to not buy another good releases such as tekkaman blade Vo.1 and 2 for less than 20 dollaras each (and each vol comes with 3 dvds). So will most likely wait for the think pack and is it does not succed then "lo que sera sera ... " It is not like it is revolutionary release,  like the Orguss release from imagineasia :P
  • I thought the jumping around was the most unique part of the series. If it wasn't for that, I'm not sure I would have liked it nearly as much.
  • Haruhi is one of the more unique series I've seen in a while but it was also very hit or miss, about a third of the episodes were just plain boring or pointless. The whole series felt like it was made to pander and sell to a certain type of anime fan.
  • I second that emotion, Kite.
  • I'd disagree (but that might be because I fucking love this show).  I think that those episodes were what made the series great.  It could have been a 6-episode straight through thing and then it would have been... well, it would still have been a pretty good show. But part of the awesomeness of that was watching episode 4 and not really knowing why Yuki is messing with the ball.  Essentially, that filler needed to be in there to maintain the pacing and the order that the show had, which added a lot to the show.  Plus, many of those episodes were in themselves enjoyable, as you got to see the character's interplay.  Also, most people seem to really dislike the episode where Kyon gets a radiator, which is my second favorite episode, so bah!
  • I generally loved the series as well. I definitely think the jumping-around aspect was a nice touch, although after I finished watching it I noticed there were a few things they never went back and explained after "introducing" them in "later" episodes (ex. the cat in the first episode). Maybe they were explained better in the (light novels? manga?) the anime was based off of?

    Speaking of the first episode, why is it that something that would be so painful to watch in live-action (no-budget high-school student film) suddenly becomes awesome when depicted in animation?
  • What makes the first episode great isn't that its animated, it'd be just as hilarious live action. What makes it great is the fact that they are making fun of stupid no-budget student film movies, while also mocking various anime and movies.
  • Haruhi was an amazing show that was made all the more amazing by watching it with the Purdue Anime Club. This is definitely one of those shows that really gains a lot from being watched in a room full of anime fans occasionally screaming at the projector.
  • So.

    Endless Eight.

    Kyon-kun Denwa~
  • edited August 2009
    I agree with Kite, and I much prefer the "second season" Kadokawa is airing on Youtube over the original series, but it's getting too repetitive. I don't like the "Endless Eight" concept, though it was awesome for the first 5 episodes or so. I also love the Haruhi-chan series, I would totally buy it if it was licensed.

    EDIT: My favorite shows from the first season are the ones at the Mansion Mystery thingy, and when Kyon goes to get a heater during school. I don't really care for the rest.
    Post edited by Loganator456 on
  • I really enjoyed the episode where Haruhi sang, I don't know why.

    Overall it was a very good series (though I've only seen season 1). I was confused at points but stuck it out and was satisfied. I am surprised it did as well as it has considering the odd way the episodes are ordered and the very weird first episode. This is a show I want to show my friends, but think no one would give it a chance. Maybe I should start with episode 2 or 3 and get em hooked with the less oddness part of the series.
  • I really enjoyed the episode where Haruhi sang, I don't know why.
    Yeah, Every time I see that piece, I break out my good pencils and start drumming along. It's weirdly fun! ^_^
  • Mansion Mystery thingy
    Those were my favourite episodes because it was just a giant Phoenix Wright parody.
  • What makes the first episode great isn't that its animated, it'd be just as hilarious live action. What makes it great is the fact that they are making fun of stupid no-budget student film movies, while also mocking various anime and movies.
    The first episode was what got me hooked on the series and convinced me to watch it. It was just so funny to see all the little mistakes and quirks of making what basically amounts to a high school youtube movie put into animation.
  • Yeah, Every time I see that piece, I break out my good pencils and start drumming along. It's weirdly fun! ^_^
    I know what you mean. I have to start singing. Loudly.
  • I liked endless eight for 3 episodes, after 5 I was getting annoyed. Tatsuya Ishihara, 7 episodes is not clever or artsy anymore. GET THE FUCK ON WITH IT!!!
  • I liked endless eight for 3 episodes, after 5 I was getting annoyed. Tatsuya Ishihara, 7 episodes is not clever or artsy anymore. GET THE FUCK ON WITH IT!!!
    He hates it too. He said so at Otakon, I believe.
    What makes the first episode great isn't that its animated, it'd be just as hilarious live action. What makes it great is the fact that they are making fun of stupid no-budget student film movies, while also mocking various anime and movies.
    The first episode was what got me hooked on the series and convinced me to watch it. It was just so funny to see all the little mistakes and quirks of making what basically amounts to a high school youtube movie put into animation.
    Really? I found Episode 00 almost painful to watch. Maybe it's just cus I'm not an animation geek, so I don't get all the little mistakes.

    We're actually watching this in club now (Season 1, not Endless Eight Endless Eight Endless Eight Endless Eight), and just got to the end of the plot from the first book. Having read the book first, it was kinda weird seeing it animated. In a good way, though.
  • Really? I found Episode 00 almost painful to watch. Maybe it's just cus I'm not an animation geek, so I don't get all the little mistakes.
    How can you not love 00, it was hilarious. All the bad production and anime clichés put into an extremely high production value animation. And then the cat talked!!! I almost died laughing the first time I saw it.
  • edited August 2009
    Really? I found Episode 00 almost painful to watch. Maybe it's just cus I'm not an animation geek, so I don't get all the little mistakes.
    There weren't any animation mistakes. The animation was perfect. It was live-action filming mistakes animated perfectly, like the shot with Kyon holding up the bounce board in the background.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Episode 00 was the most hilarious of all of them, hands down. It joked on student/amateur films as well as anime tropes, and pulled it off extremely well. Kyon’s commentary is probably the best part for me.

    Admittedly, the first time I watched it I was not so amused. It wasn’t what I was expecting from all of the Haruhi-hype, so I was sorta wtf-ing through most of it. The second time I watched though, I laughed myself out of breath. It does make ep. 00 funnier if you know the characters and the show’s premise.
  • I like when Itsuki is going to "kiss" Mikuru and Kyon as narrator is like "I'm going to kick you!"
  • Episode 00 was the most hilarious of all of them, hands down. It joked on student/amateur films as well as anime tropes, and pulled it off extremely well. KyonÂ’s commentary is probably the best part for me.
    I don't know, the baseball episode was also pretty freaking hilarious. Nagato firing the ball like a cannon by just flicking her fingers. Kyon is the reason I watch the show in general, his character is great.
    Admittedly, the first time I watched it I was not so amused. It wasnÂ’t what I was expecting from all of the Haruhi-hype, so I was sorta wtf-ing through most of it. The second time I watched though, I laughed myself out of breath. It does make ep. 00 funnier if you know the characters and the showÂ’s premise.
    That's really interesting. I actually went into Haruhi completely cold, had no idea what it was or what was coming up. I was floored and was immediately showing it to all my friends who were likewise amazed.
  • I like when Itsuki is going to "kiss" Mikuru and Kyon as narrator is like "I'm going to kick you!"
    It was his pointing out of all the poor production and plot inconsistencies that were my favorite.

    That's really interesting. I actually went into Haruhi completely cold, had no idea what it was or what was coming up. I was floored and was immediately showing it to all my friends who were likewise amazed.
    Yeah, it seems to have that effect on people. :) There are still some people that I really wish I could convince into giving it a try, cuz I know they'd like it.
  • IT'S OVER!
  • The endless has ended you mean? The new episode is out? I haven't watched the last one yet! Although I know what the last one is about. :P
  • The endless has ended you mean? The new episode is out? I haven't watched the last one yet! Although I know what the last one is about. :P
    The raws are. Manzai has some speed subs out, somewhere, according to ADTRW. Apparently it's a normal loop until (Novel/Endless Eight spoilers:Kyon asks Haruhi to help him with his homework), which ends the looping.
  • IT'S OVER!!! It's finally fucking over and we can get on with the rest of the show.
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