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Scrubs, the TV show

edited June 2007 in Everything Else
My friend is a HUGE fan of the show Scrubs, and decided to buy me the box sets for seasons 1-5 as a graduation gift. I've been watching the episodes, and I've found that this show is very enjoyable. I like it quite a bit, and the main character's perspective in life is quite interesting. It seems to be the perfect balance between comedy and drama.

So, does any of you watch this show?


  • I have seasons 1-4 on DVD and watch them quite a bit. The latest seasons have increased in production quality but declined in writing quality; JD is becoming less of a hero, and the theme of the show has lost its focus on the morals and ethics of doctors. Instead, it's strayed into will-he-won't-he Friends territory and self-referential slapstick.

    That said, Dr. Cox is my hero. When I become a father, I want to be a cross between Dr. Cox and Red from That 70s Show.

    Favorite Scrubs gag:

  • Gotta love Dr. Acula, and also floating head doctor.
  • I've seen a couple episodes, and I think it's a great series. It so happens that Sam Lloyd (who plays the unsuccessful lawyer on the show) is a good friend of my family, and we often celebrate the holidays with him. He also lives close to (and sometimes with) his mother in Vermont. No joke.
  • I really like this show. I just watch it when ever it's on. But it brings me much amusement.
  • Another nice thing about the show is it is a repository of new songs, which gives a nice sampler into recent pop without having to actually listen to new pop. Then again, I only watch the reruns.
  • I must be the only person who doesn't "get" that show. I've watched it a couple times, but I can never get through a whole episode. I just don't think it's that funny. Meh.
  • edited June 2007
    Oh mans, how do you embed videos again?
    Post edited by VentureJ on
  • This show is like my religon. I love it!
  • Adam is, in many ways, J.D.

    I think the show is rather funny, but the past season is not as witty or insightful as previous seasons. Despite this, I still enjoy the show. I hope the quality returns.
  • edited June 2007
    Here's one of my favorite gags:

    Edit: Thanks, Sail.
    Post edited by VentureJ on
  • Oh mans, how do you embed videos again?

    So, to post Sniper's video, it would look like this:
  • Just finished the 5th Season DVD box set. I'd have to say, the last 5 episodes were brilliant.
  • Here's one of my favorite gags:

    Edit: Thanks, Sail.
    Can I just say brilliant?
  • I started watching it but then like all good television shows the geniuses at Australian Television Programming decided to randomise its time slot. Midnight one or two days a week then sometime 11.30 on a different day, then gone all together then back without warning. Fuckers.
  • The first episode I've wathed is the musical episode from season 6. It was so awesome that I'm starting from the beginning. Does anyone else think that Dr. Cox is 10x better than Dr. House?
  • I started watching it but then like all good television shows the geniuses at Australian Television Programming decided to randomise its time slot. Midnight one or two days a week then sometime 11.30 on a different day, then gone all together then back without warning. Fuckers.
    BitTorrent. ;)
  • I started watching it but then like all good television shows the geniuses at Australian Television Programming decided to randomise its time slot. Midnight one or two days a week then sometime 11.30 on a different day, then gone all together then back without warning. Fuckers.
    BitTorrent. ;)
    Ah but I'm lazy and forgetful.
  • Ah but I'm lazy and forgetful.
    RSS feeds . . . I don't even touch my BitTorrent client even more.
  • Ah but I'm lazy and forgetful.
    RSS feeds . . . I don't even touch my BitTorrent client even more.
    RSS television feeds? I am intrigued...
  • I love Scrubs. Didnt they stop production of it just recently?
  • No, it's coming back for another season, at least. There has been talk of Zack Braff leaving the show so he can work on movies, and they've said if that happened that they'd shift the main focus of the show to someone else. I assume Turk.
  • That would fail. I've already started to tire of Scrubs, even though I've been a huge fan since the beginning. I hate when shows think they can ditch the central character and still succeed; X-Files after Mulder was terrible, and remember when That 70s Show tried to introduce the replacement for Eric? They mysteriously killed the new guy off with a one-line explanation between seasons.
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