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The King oF Kong: A fistful of Quarters...

edited June 2007 in Movies
The King Of Kong: A fistful of Quarters

This is going to be awesome.


  • Wow. I really, really want to see this.
  • So I watched this a couple nights ago, and OMG Billy Mitchell is the biggest freakin' tool I have ever seen. I felt embarrassed for him throughout the whole movie. No doubt the person or persons who made the movie tried to make him look like a dick, but I don't think that would have been too difficult to do. This guy has some major issues, as do his followers in the movie...what a bunch of sheep.

    Despite all that I loved the movie and recommend it to all of you. Give it a watch and prepare to see Billy Mitchell at his best!
  • OMG!!! I so wanted to strangle Brian Kuh... As much as Billy Mitchell was an ass, he had something to loose. Brian Kuh was just ARGH! His snooty face of not being 1st to reach the kill screen at Funland was priceless...

    The Karate Kid music was also just too LOL. This movie was great.
  • I know, they tried everything they could to get Steve to fail. They had a lot of nerve too...If I ever came home and found someone in my garage tearing my gaming machine apart they'd be leaving in an ambulance.
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