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Getting a GameCube (FINALLY)

edited June 2007 in Everything Else
I'll be getting a Gamecube for very cheap soon. Do you guys have any suggestions as to what good games I have missed out on, besides the all-too-common Smash Bros and Resident Evil 4?

Don't even mention the Wii right now. I'm not allowed to buy one yet due to my rising pile of college bills.


  • Thousand Year Door. Metroid Prime(s). That should hold you over for awhile.
  • Rogue Squadron. You can pick it up for, like, 8 bucks now-a-days. Also, Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door is fun. And Windwaker, Twilight Princess, and Tales of Symphonia.
  • Hmm, Thousand Year Door...that's the Paper Mario one, right? That's interesting. Also, are the Metriod Prime games multiplayer?
  • edited June 2007
    Here are some games I found to be amusing on the GC:
    - Animal Crossing
    - Custom Robo (if you can find it for less than ten bucks, it'll keep you amused for a bit)
    - Tales of Symphonia (Must have)
    - Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
    - Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time /Master Quest (it's a special thingie. I'm not sure if you can find it easily)
    - The Legend of Zelda Collector's Edition (It comes with the original Zelda, Zelda 2, Ocarina of Time, and Majora's Mask, but it's also a fairly rare (at least around here) special)
    - Mario Cart Double Dash
    - Pokemon Colosseum
    - Pikmin and Pikmin 2
    - Super Monkey Ball
    - Super Mario Sunshine
    - Soul Calibur 2
    - Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

    Oh, by the way, unless you have three avalable friends, avoid Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles AT ALL COSTS. It was a horrendous waste of time for me.
    Post edited by One Sin on
  • Hmm, Thousand Year Door...that's the Paper Mario one, right? That's interesting. Also, are the Metriod Prime games multiplayer?
    The second one is multiplayer, but it sucks. If you want multi on the GCN you need Four Swords, Pac-Man vs., Crystal Chronicles, Smash Bros., Mario Parties, Mario Tennis, Mario Strikers, or the amazing (can't believe I forgot it) Wario-Ware.
  • edited June 2007
    My advice is to skip the first Pikmin and just go on to the second. The first has a weird gameplay restriction and no fun capture-the-flag style multiplayer. Also, don't even think about the first Monkey Ball. Again, just go straight to the second. The minigames are awesome in Monkey Ball 2.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Ooh, you've talked up Wario-Ware quite a bit. Maybe I should get's either that or Mario Strikers. One or the other.
  • Ooh, you've talked up Wario-Ware quite a bit. Maybe I should get's either that or Mario Strikers. One or the other.
    If you have friends, get Wario Ware.  If your friends drink, get Wario Ware.  If your friends would be willing to both drink and play Wario Ware, get Wario Ware.
  • Pick up at least one copy of Mario Party. I'd go with Mario Party 6.

    Pick up used controllers for dirt cheap ($10-$15).

    If you are going to get a Pokemon game go with XD: Gale of Darkness.
  • Waverace can be had for like $6 these days and it's pretty intense fun, definitely worth checking out. Also, if you like pro wrestling, grab Day of Reckoning 2, the best wrestling game since No Mercy. That's all that's coming to me right now that hasn't been mentioned
  • Wave Race for the GameCube sucked hard. If you want intense jet ski action, get the N64 version.
  • edited June 2007
    It did not suck. Some of the stunts are extremely hard to pull off, but they hardly matter when you're in the middle of an actual race. The races are are intense and challenging. I also love the water effects.
    Post edited by Hitman Hart on
  • edited June 2007
    It did not suck. Some of the stunts are extremely hard to pull off, but they hardly matter when you're in the middle of an actual race. The races are are intense and challenging. I also love the water effects.
    Did you play the N64 one? The Gamecube one was pretty much a clone of the first one with less courses.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • No, I didn't get around to it, but, much as I love the system, most of those games border on unplayable since I got more and more into the last gen, I doubt I could really enjoy Wave race 64
  • I doubt I could really enjoy Wave race 64
    Psh, you people and your graphics...
  • edited June 2007
    Did anyone mention Eternal Darkness yet? I'm going to get a copy this weekend, once I get paid, on the "recommendation" of Rym and Scott. They didn't actually recommend it, but they sure speak well of it, and often, on the show.
    Post edited by Rym on
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