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I Love Bees, and now Iris?

edited June 2007 in Everything Else
If any of you are Halo fans, you might remember the phenomenon of This was one of the weirdest ways to market a game, yet the coolest. Gamers went to this site and visited the Bungie forums, and slowly, these audio files came out on Ilovebees, supposedly released by these AI beings that had taken over the site. If you want to get the entire, long, and confusing story, just go here: This'll explain the whole thing. But if you love Halo and maybe some high quality audio stories, this is just the site you're looking for. I remember when I first saw this, my first words were, "What the fuck???" Now that I found this over again, through the "Iris" ARG (Alternate Reality Game) being revealed, it brings back good memories. Iris, so far, has just been this new member on the Bungie forums that has administrator privileges and has the ability to type in gold font. To make it interesting, he writes a bunch of poetic crap that nobody can understand and people on the forums try their hardest to analyze it. There's also another site, that's pretty much like Ilovebees without the audio files at this point. Just a real world connection to the story, outside of the Bungie site. Obviously, it's not real, and jokingly, has awful design, but the creators of Halo can be very odd people.


  • If you are interested in the ARG phenomena, I suggest you read Pattern Recognition by William Gibson.
  • edited June 2007
    Be sure to drink your Ovaltine.
    Post edited by Railith on
  • Be sure to drink your Ovaltine.
  • I love it when Tycho who usually plays the intellect switches roles with Gabe.
  • The whole ilovebees seemed less a publicity machine, and more a labor of love. The story, as told in the audio drama, was highly entertaining. I remember being in the forums helping figure out the order of the audio clips. Good memories...
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