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New Moderator

edited June 2007 in Forum Stuff
Alright peoples, listen up. New people are joining the forum at a faster rate than ever before. Mr. Period is being overworked more than ever before. Con season is approaching, so Rym and I are far busier than ever before. 7 panels at one con, OMG! As a result, we have sought help in moderating these forums.

I would like to announce to you that we have selected WaterIsPoison as our newest moderator. He will be editing your posts for grammar and spelling in the same way that Mr. Period does. If you think he's abusing his powers or editing the content of your posts, then let us know. However, we both believe he is trustworthy as well as skilled in the grammars.

Lastly, for any of you who want to be moderators, you can stop asking us how to become one. Whatever WiP did is what you need to do. Learn from his example.

That is all.


  • edited June 2007
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Awesome. I expect you to be kicking butt and taking names.
  • It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum and he's all out of gum.
  • I've got balls of steel!
  • I think he's abusing his power. Where is the FRC Constitution? IMPEACH! IMPEACH! IMPEACH!

    New rules instituted under WIP's reign of terror:

    1) All posts must contain a reference to band camp.
    2) The only Pokemon that may be discussed are water and poison types.
    3) Virginia is now the capital of the Confederate States of Geeknights.
    4) All nounz will end in zeez (zedz in Albionz).
    5) All posts must be coded in C++.
    6) Forum members have gained the right to bear arms.
    7) Socialism is strictly forbidden, while socializing is encouraged.
    8) Potatoe will always be spelled with an E on the end.
  • edited June 2007
    9) All posts must include at least one image containing one or more of the following:
    -Cliched internet meme, preferably one referring to gay sex
    -The use of the face of Rym, Scott, or a political leader that HungryJoe thinks is hot
    -Use of MS Paint in an extremely offensive manner
    -One or more Pogeymans
    -A copyrighted image that will get someone in trouble
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Congrats, WaterIsPoison! One question: Does this mean that you will stop with your usual posting, and assume the duties of moderation? Or, will you continue to post, and use a second account (perhaps a Mr. Interrobang) for moderation?
  • Im in ur phorumz, fixn ur spellnz.
  • Hail to the new Chief :P
  • I think he's abusing his power. Where is the FRC Constitution? IMPEACH! IMPEACH! IMPEACH!
    I think its time to crush this rebellion with one swift stroke.
    Does this mean that you will stop with your usual posting, and assume the duties of moderation? Or, will you continue to post, and use a second account (perhaps a Mr. Interrobang) for moderation?
    I'll still be posting normally. Most of what I will be doing is behind the scenes (i.e cleaning up posts).
  • Come and see the violence inherent in the system. Help! Help! I'm being repressed!
  • edited June 2007
    Come and see the violence inherent in the system. Help! Help! I'm being repressed!
    Would you like to be assistant to the second forum moderator?
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • I am already assistant to Rym's dog groomer's second cousin's pool boy's paper route carrier. That doesn't leave much room for upward mobility.
  • I am already assistant to Rym's dog groomer's second cousin's pool boy's paper route carrier. That doesn't leave much room for upward mobility.
    You need to diversify your resume.
  • And I, for one, welcome our new grammar overlord.
  • I say you need a name change. Mr......I can't think. Asterisk? Comma? Hyphen? WIP?
  • I say you need a name change. Mr......I can't think. Asterisk? Comma? Hyphen? WIP?

    I thought of that, but I'm too lazy to have two usernames. Plus everyone would know who the new moderator would be, unlike Mr. Period.
  • WaterIsPoison will make a great moderator. Congrats, WiP!
  • congratultions, WaterIsPoison! you will defnitily be a gud moderator in ths forum since i kno that u r awesom
  • Would you like to be assistant to the second forum moderator?
  • WIP, you are now a tyrant selected by the elite without the choice of the people,
    this isn't a bad thing but unlike a democratically elected leader you can't tell the people that you are their fault.

    Congrats, I would put in a sanctuary photoshop but wouldn't be able to find the right page fast enough.
  • edited June 2007
    HAHAHAHAHAHA, sweet bajesus.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • edited March 2010
    Post edited by ElJoe0 on
  • You became a mod? Sucker!
  • edited March 2010
    You became a mod? Sucker!
    Welcome to three years ago?
    Post edited by Andrew on
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