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You got Creation Science on my kid's menu!

edited June 2007 in Everything Else
You got your kid's menu on my Creation Science!


  • It's hilarious and so very sad at the same time.
  • If I was the type to pray, I would be doing so right now in hope that this would be discovered to be a satirical fabrication.
  • "for more great information on dinosaurs go visit Dr. Dino's website This information was taken from video #3 availible from Dr. Dino's website!!" (note the lack of punctuations and capitalization)
    "See! Evidence humans and dinosaurs lived together!"

    "Umm, those footprints were made by that guy over there."
    "Hey Beavis, I'll bet you a dollar if you can rip off the T-Rex's arms."
  • I want to know which "scientists have theorized that the t-rex could probably breath fire."
  • I want to know which "scientists have theorized that the t-rex could probably breath fire."
    Yeah that's my favorite quote from the menu. LOL
  • This is both stupid and funny.

    Where is it from?
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