Rym says this constantly and it irks me
I'm going back and listening to the old episodes and I noticed that whenever toys are discussed, M.A.S.K. is always brought up. So Rym goes on about how much he loves M.A.S.K. and he's a big fan and all that. Now I'm sure I'm a peon in the M.A.S.K. fan heiarchy, but GODDANM it pisses me off when Rym says "Boulder Mountain" instead of Boulder Hill. It didn't piss me off when Rym incorrectly stated that South Korea never signed the armistice, but the recurring "Boulder Mountain" flub makes me cringe and it ticks me off. Like nails on chalkboard.
I propose a series of congressional hearings into this fiasco. Doubly so if Rym is taking steroids.
As for South Korea never signing the armistice, I find several references to this fact. It was a complicated legal situation due mostly to the fact that neither nation actually declared war in the first place. As best I can tell, US/UN forces signed it on their behelf.
Neither nation officially recognizes the other, and even though -an- armistice was signed by -someone-, no permanent peace treaty was EVER signed.
/late for work, but will go into more detail if you wish
The M.A.S.K. team's headquarters is a transforming gas station in Boulder Hill, Nevada. This facility, however, is called Boulder Mountain.
"I have a vision"
hilarity for the theories created.
edit:HA HA
I concede defeat, and will take it upon myself to edit the incorrect articles tonight.
Boulder hill tops at $200 bucks!
In the US version I THINK that Boulder Mountain is the chain of mountains that Boulder Hill Resides in.
((danm it's only 11pm and I'm sleepy, but I woke up not long ago? WHATS WRONG WITH ME!))