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edited June 2007 in Everything Else
I just wanted to start this discussion to get an idea of how people feel about this show. I personally like the show, I'm finishing up season 5, but I do hear that season 6 is a disappointment. The main reason why I like this show, despite the acting is that it brings up the issues found in the stories of Spiderman and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the story of the teen protecting the world and having to deal with relationships gone bad because of said responsibility. That is all, leave any comments on why you like or dislike this show.


  • edited June 2007
    Overall, the show is very mediocore and bordering crap, yet I still watch it. I liked season 1 and the rest of the seasons were mostly crap. I found that season 6 was good, comparatively to the many of the seasons before. I guess it may not be satisfying considering the end of season 5.
    Post edited by mkg12 on
  • I've only seen the first season as I asked for and received it for Christmas last year. I almost didn't get past the first 3-4 episodes as it was just lame "villains" every episode, but it got better as the season went on and actually started attempting to have a storyline.
  • There are a few episodes that are worth it, I think the last episode of season 6 was a disappointment. I agree with what you said about them trying to be like Buffy, but they just don't get it. Clark Kent is such a baby sometimes it pisses me off, I hate the Lana Lang character but I do like Lex Luthor a lot. What I do like a lot are the special effects, now if we could get that on Heroes it would be unstoppable.
  • I personally didn't like season 1, but I did enjoy season 3 a lot. The show has its moments and I still like it. There isn't much good on T.V. so I like finding shows that have several seasons finished so if I like the show I don't have to wait till "NEXT WEEK, SAME PLACE, SAME TIME."
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