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edited July 2007 in Video Games
I have searched but cannot find this topic posted previously but If I am mistaken, then I apologise (Its a mighty big forum).
I recently bought a DS and Mario Kart. I waited until I was okay at the game before braving online play. Straight away I got my arse kicked by almost everyone. It seems that you are not matched up with a player of similar ability.
However, my main gripe is the fact that I was finally matched up with someone who had a very similar record, I really looked forward to the contest. I won the first race only by a head and my opponent immediately switched off. Is this normal? Shouldn't people see the game through? Or am I being naive? Come on, switching off after losing the first round is a little bit shit and I would like to think that the members here wouldn't do that. Consequently, my record still shows no wins, but I would never switch off half way through a match, and is it possible to show your disdain to this poor loser?
Also, do most people use the mini turbo technique on straight roads? To me this is cheating. Fair enough on the corners but I have seen people turboing in straight lines regularly (until they zoom off into the distance that is)


  • Well, that depends, I like to play with really good people, that constantly kick my ass, for example, on Starcraft, I loved to play with the Tourney goers and get my ass served, because when you play with regular people, you're amazed at the level you are playing at, so as long as you have fun, its cool. I mean, I wouldn't mind playing German boardgames with people like Scott and Rym, because its challenging, even if I don't win 1 single time, but it must be boring for people like them to simply just win every single time.

    Back to the subject, maybe he lost connection? He had to go? Battery died? either way, better get some friends codes and play with them.
  • Thats it then. Perhaps the forum members are a better opponent. I'm off to input some friend codes from the forum. Hope to see you there.
  • You have to understand that sometimes real life gets in the way. I've had to turn my DS off myself during a match because I had to go somewhere or do something. Perhaps that person was just a sore loser, but I'll give the benefit of the doubt and say that they probably had something else to do. It's hard to tell with MK especially since there is no avenue of communication between players.
  • I have not played Mario Kart DS but, does it save a record based on your chip? Some people might dump out of a game to avoid their record going down.

    I have had no problems in Pokemon Battle Revolution with people dropping out. That might be because when you lose it does not hurt you in any way.
  • edited July 2007
    I'm getting my budget wifi dongle sometime soon and look to join you shortly as I can pone the AI too easily. Time to take my thing online (and in turn be poned by Japanese teenagers.)

    As an afterthought, are there any specific dos and don'ts?
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • I can't agree that they had something else to do. It happened twice and only when the race was over. And if you are going to play online, shouldn't you do it when there are as few disturbances as possible?
  • Just got into my very first race on Mario Kart and less than one lap around Dolphino square he cuts out.

    Coincidently: if your looking for a cheaper than normal DS wifi conector I use a "Pluscom WU-ZD1211B" adapter which is useful as it doubles as a wifi conector and works in linux (though I havent got the DS bit to work yet in linux)
    Here is where I got mine
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