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Where are we going to get the money to enjoy all the upcoming games?

edited July 2007 in Video Games
I just did a quick calculation on how much money I would need in order to buy all the games I want starting in August until the end of the year. So far I'm up to $1500 and I've only included the PS3 and 360 games. Once I add the DS, PSP and Wii games that I'll want I'm sure to be over $2000...holy shit!

We are definately going to have to make some tough choices and leave some great games behind...unless I win some money of course.

Well here are my definate purchases so far: Warhawk, BioShock, Halo 3, Half-Life Orange Box, GTA4, Resident Evil: UC, Army of Two, Assassin's Creed, Castlevania for PSP, Unreal Tournament 3...oh god, it's going to be an expensive 2nd half.


  • Well here are my definate purchases so far: Warhawk, BioShock, Halo 3, Half-Life Orange Box, GTA4, Resident Evil: UC, Army of Two, Assassin's Creed, Castlevania for PSP, Unreal Tournament 3...oh god, it's going to be an expensive 2nd half.
    Are you seriously going to play all those games? You can't possibly have time to play all of those. Besides, you know some of them are going to be crap.
  • Buy them one-at-a-time and play them until complete. Then pick the next game.

    Do not buy them all at once. I have several Wii games collecting dust right now and I only just completed Zelda.
  • I got a hard lesson when I bought GoldenEye: Rogue Agent when it first came out. I was so hyped that it would be about Bond villains that I abandoned my tried and true policy of waiting until the initial price of games came down from the stratosphere into the $15.00-$20.00 range. If you're willing to wait long enough, every game eventually gets down there.

    Even at that, I traded in some games and only had to pay $30 something instead of $50 something.

    Long story short, it sucked and was in the $20.00 bin about two months after it came out.
  • I at the very least want to complete the single player story lines in each of those games (excluding Warhawk). I can't see any of those that I listed being crap except maybe the Wii Resident Evil game.

    One advantage I have is that I have a spare 1 1/2 to 2 hours in the morning before I go to work to play. Plus an 1 or so after work.

    If I obsolutely had to pick just a few I would be satisfied with BioShock, Half-Life and Assassin's Creed. But god there's just so many good games. The next 6 months have to be the greatest ever for console gaming. Anyone else recall a better time? I remember last year I bought F.E.A.R., Call of Duty 3 and Gears of War all on the same day and that was exciting, but this puts it to shame.
  • Anyone else recall a better time?
  • Good ol' 1990...had a lot more time to play games back then, but a lot less money!
  • I will have a similar problem . . . Unreal Tournament alone will require a new computer for me. Very expensive game.
  • Time for gamefly. Even their most expensive plan would save you a ton of money.
  • I was a member of a Canadian game rental service a while back, but I always found that they would send the oldest games on the list first. No matter how high up on the list I had a new game, the old ones would come first. I will probably join again though once all those games come out and I'm sure to have a real list of 20 games I want to rent.

    Thanks for the advice.
  • To key to getting the new games is to not have the old games on your list.
  • GameFly doesn't send to Canada, sadly; the Canadian rental services are horrid.
  • edited July 2007
    When I joined, I had no choice but to add old games to my list.  This was before the Wii and PS3, and I only had 360 games on my list. ... and  There weren't 20 new games to add to the list: more like 5 or 6.  I found that was the same way when it came to movies.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • edited July 2007
    You save some of the games you want to play for when the summer drought hits, because they will be cheaper then. I waited until RE4 was 20 bucks new to play through it this summer.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • The best strategy, especially with console games, is to coordinate with your friends on who is getting what games. Why have all of you buy the same games when you could split up the list and share the games?
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