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Google loses Gmail.

edited July 2007 in Everything Else

Google got pwnd.


  • Well that really sucks.
  • Well, I guess google can buy the name from the german dude and then eventually it will be ok.
  • So gmail isn't gmail in Germany now?
  • edited July 2007
    Google should have done their due diligence before launching the gmail service. It's no different than the recent news of Apple paying big bucks to purchase The only difference here is that the iPhone guy took the money.

    Maybe if they did a "google search" for gmail first?
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • That's not half as embarrassing as when Metsa-Serla, a Finnish paper company (one of the worlds largest actually), decided to change its name to m-real and failed to check/look up/hire a temp to surf the interwebs for existing users of m-real.* domain names. Sure enough, was a hard core gay porn site... They have since then bought that domain (but you can still check the archive to see the original site).
  • edited July 2007
    That is rather hilarious.
    Post edited by lorddragonslayer on
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