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edited July 2007 in Everything Else
It's that time of year again for all us studious types.

I've just finished University in Albion which means I'm 21 and got a 2.2, somewhat the equivalent of a 'C' or low 'B' . I'm pretty happy with my lot because I always worked to get the best marks:effort ratio. The problem I've got now is the real world looms, and it appears no companies in my area need Multimedia Computing graduates so I feel pissed off I've done a defunct course and will probably have to move into IT (eeww).

I'm posting to get this grief of my chest but also wondering who else out there has finished high school, college or university and has gotten their results? What did you make of them? Are you happy? And what's your current experiences and what are you trying to do?


  • I graduated from high school with a 3.9.  I graduated from undergraduate studies with a 3.4.  If you discount my final year of (skipped) classes, it would have been a 3.7 =P.
    32 on the ACT in eleventh grade.  (Many people in the midwest don't bother with the SAT).  Perfect score on the PSAT in tenth grade.
    I started ignoring grades right around the second quarter of my first year of high school, when I realized that they don't really mean anything.  RIT accepted me before I even sent them proof of my high school completion.  My high school never knew my middle school grades, and my middle school never knew my elementary school grades.  No one has ever asked me for my scores in any official context, and no one has ever cared about them in the working world.  (IBM had a minimim GPA requirement for co-op hiring, but it was relatively low at 3.4, and had no bearing on full employment).
  • edited July 2007
    I finished my first year at Georgia Tech with a 3.6.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • No one has ever asked me for my scores in any official context, and no one has ever cared about them in the working world.
    Same here . . . don't worry about it too much.

    PS: Rym is smarter than me.
  • Somehow your school system in the US seams easier and easier. You can't even go to college if you don't get a B- or better in elementary school. If I don't get anything better than C on my final test I could basically forget college..

    This is all in Germany if you want to know.
  • I was on the Dean's List every year I was in University...yippie for me!
  • I graduated high school with like a 3.8 or 3.9 or something. Of course, high school barely counts as education; I did virtually nothing during that time. Took the SAT twice and got a 1350 and a 1370 going cold each time. I figured that was good enough.

    In college, I was a Dean's list student for my entire first year, and then stopped caring. I think I had a 3.5 at the end of freshman year, and let it drop all the way to 3.0 or thereabouts (I think it was 2.92) by the time I graduated. I basically did enough work to keep my Presidential Scholarship (minimum GPA of 3.0) and said "screw it" to the rest.

    The stories are true, by the way; I would quit hanging out around 11 or midnight to TRY to get up for an 8 AM class. About 50% of the time, I'd fail to get up for the class, sleep till noon, and skip the rest of the day. I'm a very intelligent man, but I'm one piss-poor student.

    If it counts for anything, I took the GRE and got a 1310 (not counting the written portion). Maybe one of these days I'll put that to use getting a Master's or Ph.D. We shall see what the future holds.

    In the end, though, nobody gives a rat's ass about any of my grades, ever. They want to see that I have a B.S. in an appropriate field, and that I'm willing to do work. All my advancement since working has been based entirely on merit, and not on grades or education.
  • It's that time of year again for all us studious types.

    I've just finished University in Albion which means I'm 21 and got a 2.2, somewhat the equivalent of a 'C' or low 'B' . I'm pretty happy with my lot because I always worked to get the best marks:effort ratio. The problem I've got now is the real world looms, and it appears no companies in my area need Multimedia Computing graduates so I feel pissed off I've done a defunct course and will probably have to move into IT (eeww).

    I'm posting to get this grief of my chest but also wondering who else out there has finished high school, college or university and has gotten their results? What did you make of them? Are you happy? And what's your current experiences and what are you trying to do?
    Congratulations! What Uni were you at? I'm averaging a first at Uni so far, I do hope it continues!
  • I managed to grad high school with a 3.7 I believe. Community College with a 3.75 and N.I.U. with a 3.5ish. All with a bare minimum of effort, it didn't take much, go to class, do the homework, pass tests. Easy as you pleasy.
  • Ahem, one problem here, your all describing your grades in the form from the USA which I totally don't understand. 3.7's and 3.9's would mean a fail over here :P

    It basically goes:
    1st = A
    2.1 = B
    2.2 = C
    3rd = Pass (with you paid for the course and finished tagged on the end :D )

    What is your equivalent on that side of the pond, for that and these SAT's.

    Well done foofly, i was hitting the 1st in the first two years but it suddenly got really hard in the last year. I've just finshed at Northumbria University in Newcastle.

    I like the idea it doesn't really count for shit as long as you have a degree. I am a hard worker (not student though) and pick up programming languages rather quickly so that goes well for me, those jobs that have a required 2.1's are for people with no lives I'll say to myself.
  • I got all A's and B's in high school. Sometimes I scored 100's for a class (the entire school year) but I did not go to college. I could have and my parents would have paid for it but I did not want to remain a burden on them (financially). Perhaps I should have because my dad is spending my inheritance building a second house in Florida...

    While I was in basic training I was selected (due to my high test scores on the ASVAB) to take the SAT. I took that test with zero studying on a Saturday after a very long week of forced marching and other strenuous exercises. I scored in the 600-700 range. I do not remember the exact scores but I think math was over 700 and the other part was in the 600s.

    After that I started getting "bugged" by all the officers over me to go to West Point. I put in the application and was accepted to attend the West Point Prep School for one year prior to going to West Point itself. The prep school was required because I purposefully avoided some subjects in high school so as to make my senior year a year without classes. See, I already had enough credits to graduate when I was a junior but, I did not have the needed "senior level" English class because they would not let me take it as a junior. Thus my senior year was two classes (in the morning) and work study the rest of the day.

    Aside from English I took an accounting class (second year) and scored 100% the entire year through. At one point some head hunters from the big accounting firms in Boston strolled through my class and asked the teacher who the top student was. She pointed in my direction. The guy thought she was pointing to the Asian girl in front of me and was taken a back to find out that the punk kid in the leather jacket with messy bed hair and a look of utter boredom and contempt on his face was the star pupil. Oh yes, I even found accounting errors in the curriculum and notified the teacher who notified the text book maker. I also finished the curriculum 3 months early and moved on to "heavier" accounting before the year was out. The head hunter gave me his card but I never called.

    While going through AIT in Maryland I was getting a constant stream of mail from the prep school. It was about this time that I realized that I just did not want to go to West Point. Part of it had to do with the extra 5 years that would be added to my hitch. The other part had to do with the hazing I knew I would get. I'm not one for hazing. I knew I would likely get kicked out of school for beating the crap out of the first upperclassman that tried to haze me. So, I looked over the paperwork and the rules and I found an out. West Point does not take married folk.

    So, I got a quick marriage to get me out of having to go to college. It also gave me a nice pay raise! After I stopped getting the mail from West Point I had the marriage annulled (both parties were fine with that) and went on my happy way!

    I have taken some college course here and there when something interests me I just can't stand the classroom. I have never like moving at the pace of the slowest student, I never will.
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