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Wow... I'm almost speechless.

edited July 2007 in Everything Else
Does anyone remember this? The majority of the damage happened within a little over a mile from my house. I just got home from a friend's house, trying to trade an old vid card for some more ram for my old notebook, and I had to go down Dixie Drive, which was a badly hit area. I hadn't been down it since the storm, and it was a shock. Where there used to be trees growing up so high in the neighborhood that you couldn't see much sky, except looking straight up from the street, its now open skies. It just felt like I had made this turn that I am used to making, and being somewhere that I had never been before, and at the end of the road, it came out somewhere I was used to, like the Twilight zone or something.

I'm still in a bit of a shock.

Anyone else ever had anything like that happen to them?


  • We just had an insane storm pass through quite literally the center of Charlotte yesterday. It was an astounding amount of rain, wind, and some hail. Although nothing was leveled, most of the old-growth portions of the lower South East side lost some trees, and theres foliage debris everywhere. I had the pain of losing power, and like wise the Internet for an ungodly twenty four hours. Merely a joke however, though fun to be in the consequences of extreme weather are anything but jocular; we were very fortunate that it wasn't more catastrophic.
  • We were without power for about 2 days, and then internet and cable for another day after that. A friend of mine found debris from the high school (a bit of a plaque along with a chunk of the trophy base) in his yard along with some other scattered debris, and he lives in Ozark, which is about 14 miles from here. There wasn't any foliage debris, other than tree trunks. Everything lighter than that got pulled off by the storm. Luckily, the only damage here at the house I was able to fix with a couple white aluminum finishing nails; an aluminum trim section on the eves on the front of the house came loose at one end and was hanging down.
  • I was in one of the compounds attacked by terrorists in Saudi Arabia. Since then I had to learn German, find new friends and get into this new school system. Basically that day changed my WHOLE life. Well I hope that's on topic for this post, since it wasn't really a storm. If not I'll just change the topic to "horrible things you were involved in" or something like that. ;)

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