The Flamming Geek's Court Martial
All right. This is the first time this issue has ever come up. As such, I would like some guidance from the forum at large.
Please vote (by posting) a Yea or a Nay (either publically or as a whisper to me). Feel free to discuss or comment after your vote.
This is not a democracy, and your votes are not binding to me. I merely want your input and opinions. I don't think we would ever ban someone without doing something like this. I'm sure over time we'll work out a formal process.
Shall The Flamming Geek's posting privilages be revoked?
I submit the following:
- He has lied repeatedly.
- He has ignored offers of amnesty.
- He posts frequently, yet with little meaningful content.
- He is generally annoying.
- It is arguable that his posts are detrimental to the general discourse of the board.
Until judgement is made, his posting privilages have been reduced.
He definitly posts frequently with nothing meaningful ever. I'm convinced that he's not in Japan. He pisses me off. He changed his name to "Ban me", so I think we should give him what he wants. I say we give him 24 hours to prove himself before banning though.
Hence, yea.
/Slashy 1
//Slashy 2
///Slashy 3
In the mean time, he's on my blocked list.
EDIT: My eyes! The Block User button does nothing!
-please forgive grammar errors. (edit: spelling error corrected by myself)
The correct spelling of the word is "grammar".
I say it's up to you, but usually these types of annoyances keep coming back one way or another..
I like the way this is going. I check the forums for new topics every half hour or so, starting after school. I got home yesterday and I look at the forums and was like 'woah!'. A bunch of new posts! Much to my dismay, they were all aimless comments made by our good friend the flammer.
A good uninterupted flammmmmmwar would be good right about now. About something I give a crap about.
Here's my subjestion. Let him roam the forums however he wants to for the next two day. During those two days, if he ever lies, spams, or does anything that is unexceptible, then at the end of those two days, have a punishment like he can only post up to 15 characters if he lies once or he can only post up to 10 characters for lying twice for 2 days and ban him if he continues to spam after that. (not sure if the forum can do such a thing...)
But yeah. Bannification. Yea.
Make it clear to flamming what the expectations are, in a way that preserves them as guidelines for future newcomers (a stickied "rules of the forum" thread, perhaps?). If he doesn't clean up his act after that, proceed with bannification.
On ther other hand, if you decide to keep him around, I wouldn't mind. We'll just ridicule him until he leaves.
Hope this helps.
Over time, I suppose we'll codify the rules for banning, but for now I'm content with a common law system that will evolve as things progress. Anyone targetted for it will be warned well in advance, and in general I don't forsee this becoming a common occurrence.
Thus, the verdict: