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Please, a moment of silence for my dead NGage....screw it, my new phone is here

edited July 2007 in Everything Else
Alas, but after over 2 years, my Nokia N-Gage is dead. The memory filled up and I get the white screen of death. No one around here has the capability to flash it and it will cost too much and take forever to get it back if I send it to Nokia care center. So I got a new phone: Nokia 5300. It's great! It does most of what my Ngage could do with the exception of the Ngage games and programs made by user's due to the operating system. Maybe i'll figure out some programs for the 5300. I already put some wav sounds and jpegs from Zeus: Master of Olympus and from Caesar III on my phone. Yeah, I'm geeking it out! The battery is almost dead, though and it's been less than 24 hours since I charged it. I guess I've been messing with it too much.


  • Why in the world did you ever buy an N-Gage?

    I must warn you, if you say 'games' everyone will laugh at you.
  • He had me at "N-Gage."

    And the people I know make fun of MY phone...
  • What? I got it for $30. It had an operating system, so I was able to get jpegs, mp3's, java, ect. on my phone without having to pay my serivce provider $1.00 - $5.00 for their stuff. Of course, the games they had sucked, but they were better than staring at the wall while I wait for my wife trying clothes on in dressing rooms or sitting and waiting for someone who's late, ect. You laugh now, but I was pleased with it. My wife went through 3 phones that cost me over $300 altogether in the amount of time I had my Ngage for $30. It was a lot better than those expensive phones that can only take pictures that look like a blurred thumbprint.
  • I remember going to the NGage booth at E3 in '05 (I think) and being the only person there that wasn't staff. I quickly left, but took a picture.
  • edited July 2007
    I also have an N-Gage QD. It's the only phone I've ever owned, and I also got it for cheap. If you don't worry about the games, it's actually a pretty decent phone.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • I had a friend who has the original N-Gage, and after hearing about the "Taco talking" whatnot, I thought he'd look stupid talking with it. But after seeing him talking on it, I thought, "That just looks normal and nothing funny." I guess it was the way he was holding it (index finger near the receiver end, other fingers holding it like normal). And he didn't even know about the games.
  • /Picard
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