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Carcassonne on the 360

edited July 2007 in Video Games
I downloaded the demo for both Carcassonne, and Catan when they both first came out for the 360 live arcade. Both games really are great, and it is also something I can finally get my friends into. Right now I am trying to gather up some people on a random night and getting a game going on Xbox Live. So if I got this started up would anyone be interested in getting in on the game?


  • Possibly, I work nights, Monday through Friday though. My GamerCard is in my profile, add me if you like, and If I'm on, I'd be more than willing to play on the weekend if I'm free.
  • I'm interested, but I have a bit of a busy week ahead of me to prepare for Connecticon and whatnot. But my GamerCard is also in my profile.
  • I just downloaded Carcassonne this week-end. I need some time to dedicate to it and get a handle on how it's played.
  • It would be a nice add on to the game perhaps, but it doesn't seem worth 300 points for such a small addition.
  • /bump

    I have a new XBox "slim" and would love to get a game of the Carcassonnes on with people. I'm on pretty much every day for now. Carcassonnes anyone? :-D
  • /bump

    I have a new XBox "slim" and would love to get a game of the Carcassonnes on with people. I'm on pretty much every day for now. Carcassonnes anyone? :-D
    Well while i don't have it now I'm totally up for a game when I go off to college and have broadband.
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