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If the internet was the christian world.

Then hell would be 4chan, heaven would be this forum, and the garden of Eden would be Ivory Tower!

What other places in religious/mythological world would fit with websites?


  • Wikipedia would be the Tree of Knowledge.
  • Scrym would be the Patron Saint of Geekery.
  • If the internet was the Christian world there would be no internet.
  • The Internet makes graven images. Shame.
  • Digg and Slashdot would be purgatory...
  • Where do the Catholics, Mormons and Jehovah witness fit in all this?
  • Catholics - AOL

    Jehovah Witnesses - Spammers
  • Awesome. LOL
  • edited July 2007
    Wikipedia would be the Tree of Knowledge.
    More like Mormon's. You can just add whatever you want, whenever you want, no matter how whacky the outcome.

    Post edited by MitchyD on
  • edited July 2007
    I wonder what the internet equivalent of the Crusades would be.
    Post edited by One Sin on
  • I wonder what the internet equivalent of the Crusades would be.
    Probably the /b/tards raids on Habbo Hotel.
  • But wasn't that a good thing? XD
  • Most importantly: Where does Goatse fit in to all of this?
  • Most importantly: Where does Goatse fit in to all of this?
    Jesus himself?
  • Meatspin = Lance of Longinuse?

    *Stab you Jeebus!*
  • I wonder what the internet equivalent of the Crusades would be.
    Putting my thoughts into words, if the Crusades were essentially a series of wars from one party against another over conquest of territory and holy relics/land...IPv6 comes to mind, or at least how it will become a problem when we make a shift. That or Net Neut; both sides of the issue are essentially fighting for access to the Internet, and each party wishes it to be sculpted in their shadow. To take that a step further, how do we really know which one is the objectively proper way. =)

    However, I think the Crusades of the Internet could be considered to be the court battles and boughts between gamers and Jack Thompson. As in, a glorious force is trying to crush the infidel and vanquish evil. A juggernaut of reason is pushing forth its beliefs and agenda, for the good of everyone!

    I'll leave you to decide which side is which, in each case. Cheers!
  • I'll leave you to decide which side is which, in each case. Cheers!
    There were all kinds of Crusades . . . all of the above maybe? Facebook vs. MySpace?
  • And numa numa would be the macabre dance of death!
  • FARK is the Fountain of Knowledge, not Wikipedia.
  • edited July 2007
    FARK is the Fountain of Knowledge, not Wikipedia.
    Then the water is rotten.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Hey WiP. Direct editing of other peoples posts for reasons other than correction in a purely spelling and grammatical sense is definitely not cool. Don't want go shitcocker on you but you have responsibilities.

    If the Internet was a Christian world then Internet 2 (the super speedy one not the 2.0 one) would be Nirvana
  • Hey WiP. Direct editing of other peoples posts for reasons other than correction in a purely spelling and grammatical sense is definitely not cool. Don't want go shitcocker on you but you have responsibilities.
    It was just a joke...
  • It's ok, just don't want people to realise think that your abusing your rank as moderator
  • It's ok, just don't want people torealisethink that your abusing your rank as moderator
    I thought it was obvious that I am the sole omnipotent being of the forum. Guess I will just have to tighten my iron grip...
  • Well to equate the Christian world to the internet then you'd just need to swap Christianity with Atheism whereby this forum would be somewhere near the size of saint Paul's cathedral and Digg would most likely be the Vatican.
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