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Man vs. Wild

edited July 2007 in Everything Else
I know some people here are too cool to watch TV, but this week we've been following this show on the Discovery Channel called Man vs. Wild. The idea is that this crazy ex-military guy is dropped into all these harsh environments with just the clothes on his back, a knife, and a water bottle and he has to get back to civilization. Of course, it has a web site.

His first answer to nearly every survival situation has something to do with pee. When they dropped him in Death Valley, he made a hat out of his t-shirt. Then he soaked it with his pee to keep his head cool. A little while later, he found a river. We laughed our butts off, and we've been laughing ever since when we talk about what magical properties the pee hat must have.

Right now, we're watching an episode where he was dropped off in a desert in Australia. Not five minutes into the show, he felt dehydrated, so he peed into his water bottle so that he could drink it; and he drank it straight. Then it started to rain . . . We laughed our butts off again.

Good times.


  • Have you seen the one where he gets dropped in the arctic and shows you how to stop yourself from accidentally falling down a glacier by jumping down one?

    Good times.
  • Yeah, I saw that one. I was surprised he didn't solve the problem with pee. Pee is his swiss army knife.
  • Survivorman is better, if only because he has no cameraman and does all his own camera work. It feels more real.
  • edited July 2007
    I like both Man vs. Wild and Survivorman, they are both good shows that are fairly informative, though I doubt I will ever be in any of the places he goes to. And the next episode where he kills piranhas with a homemade bow and arrows looks pretty freaking awesome.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Have you seen the one where he gets dropped in the arctic and shows you how to stop yourself from accidentally falling down a glacier by jumping down one?

    Good times.
    That one was so awesome. I loved when he reached into the river to grab the fish and then just bit into it's stomach.
  • The best part ever is when he drinks the elephant poop for water.
  • The best part ever is when he drinks the elephant poop for water.
    No, beating a bunny rabbit to death was waaaay better than that.
  • The host of this show is a really amazing guy. He has climbed Mount Everest and was a distinguished member of the British military. I haven't seen this show, but I saw him do a show where he went through French Foreign Legion training. To make a long story short, he made every other recruit look like a girlie man.
  • To make a long story short, he made every other recruit look like a girlie man.
    That's always fun to watch.
  • edited July 2007
    Did the training involve screaming and running the other way?
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Survivorman is better, if only because he has no cameraman and does all his own camera work. It feels more real.
    WRONG. Survivorman might be more cinema verite, but it's not very entertaining to watch (unless you like the comedy of errors). Every episode boils down to Les Stroud telling you things you shouldn't do, and then doing them himself because he's so stupid/the situation's so unforgiving. Hey, let's watch Les Stroud burn a rat to a crisp because he's afraid of the bubonic plague! Let's watch him get diarrhea from coconut milk!

    I can't get behind the fundamental concept of Survivorman: which is to have Les Stroud survive for as long as possible before he goes crazy and they have to pull him out. Basically every episode is him holing up somewhere and waiting to die. Though it's clearly much less realistic (I'm curious to know how much outside help Bear Grylls gets), Man vs Wild makes for better television because h'es actually moving with a purpose instead of looking for a cave to hide out in until help arrives.

    In a recent episode of our podcast, the stinger was me doing a (very poor) Bear Grylls impression of a perilous situation involving Chik-Fil-A sandwiches. I doubt anyone got it, likely due to the fact that my skills at British accents are probably... well, lackluster is probably being a bit generous.

    Also, Joe: While it is fun to laugh at Mr. Grylls for drinking his own pee, a lot of time passed between that and the thunderstorm, and he was standing in 130 degree heat and 100% humidity. Drinking his pee was likely his last option, and who knows if he could've gone on much longer without it.

    The way that scene was filmed was hilarious, however, how he kind of just unzips his fly and turns away from the camera. They should get an Oscar! They should get ALL the Oscars!
  • edited July 2007
    Also, Joe: While it is fun to laugh at Mr. Grylls for drinking his own pee, a lot of time passed between that and the thunderstorm . . .
    Yeah, I understand that's the way it happened in real life. However, it's much funnier to imagine that he drank his pee becuase he thought there was no water, only to be rained on five minutes later.
    Say it ain't so, Bear!
    Funnier still! My sides! Argh! Ouch! Well, that was the bad kidney anyway . . .
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • The best part ever is when he drinks the elephant poop for water.No, beating a bunny rabbit to death was waaaay better than that.

    How about the time he used a large stick to smash the fish that was in the water? That was freakin' hilarious.
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