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A Problem with OOXML?

edited July 2007 in Everything Else
SO I'm looking around on slashdot and I found an article that basically says that the Excel part of Office 2007 is horribly wrong and has massive errors that keep it form even doing trig functions correctly. Since I have Office 2007, I am understandably concerned.

Rather than immediately jump on the "Microsoft is evil, rablerablerable..." wagon, I would like to ask if any one

1) can confirm or deny, and

2) if anyone knows if anything is being done about it.

In related news, I have heard the Powerpoint and Word in 2007 have incompatible formula tools. Confirm or deny?


  • 2) if anyone knows if anything is being done about it.
    Use OpenOffice.
  • I can't. I have to use Microsoft Office for my job, and I use it at home for compatibility.
  • I can't. I have to use Microsoft Office for my job, and I use it at home for compatibility.
    OpenOffice has pretty good compatibility with MSOffice. Unless you're doing really really weird things, it'll work.
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