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New Smashing Pumpkins - Zeitgeist

edited July 2007 in Everything Else
So did anyone else pick up this CD? I'm actually quite impressed with it. It's got a lot of really great heavy tracks, some real slow, mellow tunes and a lot of just unique Pumpkins stuff. United States is a really awesome song, pushing almost 10 minutes, it's one of my album favorites. Doomsday Clock is the new radio one, and it also appeared in the Transformers movie, it's a really catchy heavy one.

The whole record is a lot different - it's only Corgan and Chamberlain, so you really only get half of the Pumpkins sound - A lot of it is being taken in a new direction that I kind of like. Anybody else?


  • Teacher was playing this in art, so good I actually asked what it was. Genuinely the high quality.
  • I listened to it and found it a little repetitive compared to their older stuff. Ten minute songs are not good in-and-of-themselves without some interest in the song. Good classic sound (different, but classic). If you're a fan, pick it up for sure. Support them in their old age.
  • I'm not that impressed with it to be honest. It's album of album tracks, if that makes any sense.
  • It's not good enough the get them their "gods of rock" statue they had in the 90's.
  • It's not good enough the get them their "gods of rock" statue they had in the 90's.
    Agreed, but overall I like the album.

    Regarding repetition, listen to the first 3 seconds of track 1, 3, 4 and 5... Chamberlain uses the EXACT SAME crescendo for all of the songs.
  • I noticed the same thing too.

    The key to musical success is to have tracks that sound different yet have an air that identifies you, such as a prolific vocal section or an original guitar tone, in other words not being afraid to experiment yet still keep the elements that make the band what it is.

    If you don't believe me listen to the Beatles.
  • Yay! Smashing Pumpkins. Good band, good new CD. The Academy Is... actually did a remake of one of their songs, which was amazing.

    Santi, ftw.
  • Evanescence (Spelling) does the worst cover for "Zero" ever. I die a little every time Amy Lee "sings" it.
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