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*cries* I'm selling my signed Gamecube

edited July 2007 in Everything Else
Yea, being a student doesn't really do much for your wallet these days. Hence I'm selling my pride and joy, my Shigeru Miyamoto signed Nintendo GameCube. As a forum full off geeks you'd appreciate my heart ache over this decision. Here's the link.


  • Oh why did you have to put it up on ebay!?!
    As its signed I doubt I can give you enough for it but its most likely going to be bought and resold for a higher price.
    I am working my way through the last generations consoles and idolise Miyamoto.
    I'll try and get a decent price for it but you picked a bad time. I'm down on money (though I live in Leeds so could collect it myself cheaper than the postage)

    Just why didn't you advertise here before putting it up on ebay (I presume you cant withdraw, can you?)
  • Why so cheap? Is it broken or something? That much money will do dick for you.
  • It's still got 9 days left and the going price for gamecubes is about £20
    I suggest you go on a few gamecube sites and advertise there too.
  • It's still got plenty of time left. Plus, it should jump like crazy in the last 20 seconds of auction!

    Definitely advertise elsewhere.
  • Why so cheap? Is it broken or something? That much money will do dick for you.
    Well I've put a high reserve on it, so I'm not letting it go for a price it's not worth. I put it on ebay as it's the best way to get some exposure for it. It's works fine, not problems at all.
  • A high reserve is kind of a sneaky-bastard thing to do... I'd just not pay it if it's higher than it should be.
  • Seriously, Mitchy is right. It's sneaky by means of upsetting people into an attempt of meeting the reserve, and over-paying.
    But eh, do what you gotta do.
  • There's nothing wrong with a high reserve.  You tell Ebay the highest price you're willing to pay.  If you weren't already willing to pay that price, then you shouldn't have bid on the item in the first place.
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