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Super Encryption

edited July 2007 in Everything Else
I've been thinking a lot about encryption lately and wanted to pose this forum a few questions on the subject (all questions regarding your personal computers/networks):
  • Do you encrypt your hard disks? If so, using what program/method?
  • Do you encrypt files on your computer? If so, using what program/method?
  • Do you encrypt or monitor your internet traffic in any way? If so, using what method?
  • Do you use any other kinds of encryption?
If this is too broad a subject, feel free to take it where you will.

I can see using each of these in my home but really only have exposure to the corporate methods so I'm interested in open-source / free means of implementing specifically hard drive or flash drive encryption, file-level encryption, and potentially exploring encrypting parts of my internet traffic à la Tor (or something similar).


  • For a while I was using the built in FileVault on Mac (in prefs). It essentially makes your home directory (not the entire computer) an encrypted DMG file. So when you log in with your password it decrypts your entire home folder and acts pretty much as normal. Advantage is your information is all encrypt on the fly, while the computers OS, other users and Applications are open and therefore not under any encryption issues (speed access issues etc). Downside was every-time I Target Disk booted to copy over files, I had to open the DMG file with my login password before I was able to do anything. To much hassle for me messing around. So at the moment i no longer I don't use anything. Login panel is enough and the computer is never out of my reach long enough for someone to target in.
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