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Connecticon '07

edited July 2007 in Conventions
Well, it's over. We were there. We did 7 panels. Talk about it.


  • The Anime Match Game was easily better then it was at Katsu, I think it really helped that you managed to get some great guest panelists. It was probably one of the best panels I've ever been to.

    I didn't see you guys at all on Sunday, I guess mostly 'cause I was sort of stuck in the dealer's room and didn't get many chances to get out.
  • I didn't get to go [being in Canada and all] but this Match Game panel sounds brilliant.
  • Didn't go, but I'll look forward to hearing about it in the podcasts.
  • I've heard the latest episode; it seemed that R&S were in such a semi-rush preparing for Otakon that they didn't go in-depth with Connecticon like they did last year (last year's commentary was over ninety minutes). I was really looking forward to it but at least I got my answer as to whether or not the con was worth considering.
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