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The first game that made you shit your pants.


Reason: taking on Ridley as a little kid was too much for me. XD


  • Muppets Treasure Island PC Game.

    I was like seven, and I just remember one part in it where some scary guy is chasing you and I couldn't handle it enough to keep playing.
  • Friday the 13th on NES.

    I hated encountering Jason in the shack in the woods, hell, everywhere in the game. All those movies made me frightened even though I couldn't help but watch them.
  • Ocarina of Time on the N64

    Shadow Temple . . .
  • Nothing scared me in a game up until Resident Evil 4, and it was just a whacky situation where I should have seen the spiky black invincible fucker, but I was looking at other stuff, I turned around and he killed me...
    The Darkness makes me jump... a lot.
  • When I was about 8 I first played Abe's Odyssey. Its kind of strange that the idea of gruesome deaths used to scare me back then.
  • I didn't shit my pants...but the original Resident Evil had some decent jump scenes.
  • edited July 2007
    Original Silent Hill.

    Advice: Don't play this game, in the dark, alone, in your basement, at night.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • I agree wholeheartedly with ArtBoy. Games weren't scary until the Playstation. I remember playing Silent Hill in college, with a bunch of guys hunched around the TV in the dark. Everybody was holding their breath. What a great, immersive game.
  • I've never shat my pants, but the last level of Zelda 1 was crazy scary.
  • X-Com: Enemy Unknown(UFO Defense), playing chrysalids night missions at 11pm, the music alone gave me goosebumps.
  • Jurassic Park for the SNES.

    Velocorapters are scary mofos in a dark corridor, when you're low on ammo.
  • X-Com: Enemy Unknown(UFO Defense), playing chrysalids night missions at 11pm, the music alone gave me goosebumps.
    I agree, but with the additional detail of this being the second or third terror mission, with only Human weapons, and no lasers.
  • edited July 2007
    I have to agree, the original Resident Evil made me jump a few times.
    Actually now that I think about it, the first time I played the original Tomb Rider and got to the part with the T-Rex that was pretty scary at the time.
    Post edited by Double Z on
  • I've never shit my pants... but Resident Evil and Ocarina of Time (the hands that fall down and grab you!) have definitely made me jump.
  • Ah, the Wallmasters. Personally, those Redeads and Floormasters creeped me out even more.
  • The Redeads were pretty creepy. I spazzed out whenever one latched on to me.

    Then again, Ganandorf's nose was really scary too...
  • I might add that when I said "shit your pants" I meant as get scare, not literally shit your pants. XD
  • F.E.A.R. in single player mode was pretty freaky. Even though it was alot of fun, there were times when I said, "Shit, I'm done."
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