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Kanye West video with geek influences?!?

edited July 2007 in Everything Else


The song is a chopped up version of "Harder, better, faster, stronger" with Kanye rapping over the top, and the video looks to be heavily influenced by the Akira movie. Check it out :)


  • Sweet. I like it.
  • edited July 2007

    Le embed
    Remember to have the HTML bullet selected
    Post edited by MrRoboto on
  • edited July 2007
    Fuck URL's. Sticky Idea: How to make a link.
    Post edited by Zeehat on
  • I wonder if this is all on the director or if Kanye had any say whatsoever in this.
  • Here's a better version on Kanye West's site.
  • Oh shits! That video and song are incredibly awesome. Further proof that geek culture is breaking into the mainstream.
  • Neato!
  • For anyone who doesn't know the two guys in helmets are none other than Daft Punk.
  • For anyone who doesn't know the two guys in helmets are none other than Daft Punk.
    If anyone doesn't know that, they don't deserve to be on this forum.
  • For anyone who doesn't know the two guys in helmets are none other than Daft Punk.
    How do you know it's actually them in there? They could have just put two other people in the costumes for the video while the actual Daft Punk is off somewhere else. Daft Punk is a lot like the Blue Man Group. Anyone could be in there. Of course, I did see an old picture on the Internets once that was supposedly Daft Punk unmasked. They look like two French guys.
  • Yeah I'm pretty sure the Daft Punk guys are french. Seems like I remember seeing them in an interview on Much Music back in the 90s and they were definately french.
  • edited July 2007
    For anyone who doesn't know the two guys in helmets are none other than Daft Punk.
    How do you know it's actually them in there? They could have just put two other people in the costumes for the video while the actual Daft Punk is off somewhere else. Daft Punk is a lot like the Blue Man Group. Anyone could be in there. Of course, I did see an old picture on the Internets once that was supposedly Daft Punk unmasked. They look like two French guys.
    Why is this being true or not true of any relevance?
    its definitely daft punk
    as an after thought I wouldn't say it's geek culture going mainstream, more just Japanese culture.
    Shame there weren't any giant soft toys bleeding milk.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • So awesome . . . [cry]
  • I love that video and that song, they kick about ten kinds of ass.
  • Wow, that is an amazing song. But what is up with that guy talking over the whole thing? He totally ruined it...
  • If you want to watch something cool while listening to the original of that track please take a look at "Interstella 5555", an anime feature which uses the whole album "Discovery".
  • I have that DVD
  • I just got finished watching Interstella 5555 and I think it was the best movie I've seen in a while.

    Also, I like the new Kanye West video a lot.
  • Wow, that is an amazing song. But what is up with that guy talking over the whole thing? He totally ruined it...
    I'm with Andrew on this one. I think Kanye totally ruined the original from Interstella. It's too heavy with the bass, and in typical American rap fashion, it had to slow it down and make the beat too steady and driving. The way it is here, it plods. The way DP does it enables the rhythm to skipthrough a much more dynamic range.
  • If someone can rap over the very end of HBFS at full speed then they are truly a force for the propagation of awesomness.
  • This is a far superior Kanye video.
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