Has playing a game ever made you feel ill?
When I first played Half-Life 2 it made me sick to my stomach and gave me a head ache...I thought I was totally weird, but I was just listening to a gaming podcast and they mentioned this happened to a number of people. So I thought I would ask around and see if anyone else has experienced this. Now, I'm not talking about the content making you sick, I'm speaking in terms of the motion, aspect ratio or things along those lines.
It took me about 3 or 4 times to actually play Half-Life 2 without feeling ill. Thank god I didn't give up because it ended up being one of my favorite games ever.
I should say that I've played many many games in my life and this is the only time it has ever happened.
Maybe it's a part of myself dying for witnessing that atrocity. >_<
I had a huge headache and my eyes hurt.
Or maybe that's just RL.
Well, in that case, there is this one I play that involves my character in a pool of water, and I have to swim back and forth repeatedly for about an hour and a half. I'm not really ill, but I do feel very tired, and my vision in extremely blurry...
I too have to agree I got a little bit dizzy the first time I played this game (all I had played before were 2d games on Sega and Nintendo consoles).