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Vic mignona.

It makes me laugh that what scrym said about vic was the exact same words I told him last year at yasumicon. XD

He laughed and complete my collections of signatures on my FMA poster, hurray!


  • Holy grammar...
    Vic is at a con in a city just north of here, and I WAS interested until I heard about "Tea Kettling"
  • I met Vic this year at Sakura Con, and he's a pretty cool guy. I can also confirm the "tea kettling" amongst the many fangirls there. I remember there was a HUGE line for pretty much any panel he was in. One thing I was really impressed by him was the fact that even though there can be "creepy" fangirls/fanboys, it seems he geniunely appreciates all his fans and takes time to actually talk to them. I like guests of honor like that. Plus he is pretty darn cute and his smile can easily melt any fangirl. ^_^
  • I don't get why... It's just that his mouth is an elastic and stretches all the way across his face...
  • Since Vic can exist at every con ever... I met him at AnimeNEXT 2006... He is pretty funny one of the more friendly voice actors. He always has a great anecdote ready. It is nice to see that people embrace their career. I would like to see him as a stage actor someday.
  • edited July 2007
    Vic is cool as hell. There is a guy named Spike Spencer who voiced Shinji Ikari in Eva. I can barely describe how big of a jack ass this guy is. I meet him at Nohcon. The guy's part time job is travel agent, his full time job is being a douche bag.  Seriously...  He tried his damnedest to bang Lisa Furikawa, who is an amazing pianist and who does a really good panel about learning Japanese though song, throughout THE ENTIRE CON, to the point of where he was disrupting her performance. He also tried to mimic what Vic did with the crowd. ,,,, He failed miserably. Then, to try to get them back, he tries telling them a really graphic, pervy stories about a girl flashing him at a con. This was in front of a really mixed crowd of parents and young kids. No one was happy. Months later, I am still pissed, and he's still a f#tard.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • Spike Spencer who voiced Shinji Ikari in Eva. I can barely describe how big of a jack ass this guy is

    Well when you are casted (cast?) as the biggest pussy ever, we will see just how nice you are...
  • Spike Spencer looks like a cross between Kevin Bacon, Jamie Kennedy, and Dennis Quaid's love child. He's a total jerk and is uber, uber obnoxious.
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