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I'm getting a Wii bit disappointed

edited August 2007 in Everything Else
So I've had a Wii since January, played a few games: Zelda (Love it!), Call of Duty, Trauma Center, Wii Play, Mario Party 8, excite Truck, ect. However, the game I still enjoy the most and which represents the stuff I looked forward to about the motion controls of the wii is Wii Sports. It's been 8 months since the release of the Wii and I haven't found any games in which the controls are wonderful and I can say I love the game. There are a lot of great concepts: Use the wii as a flight stick (blazing angels), use the controller as a wand (harry potter), Use it as a gun (1st person shooters) and the list goes on. However, the actual implementation of the controls in the games have been disappointing. I just rented Harry Potter on the Wii as well as The Bigs. I had issues with the controls being inconsistent and feel as if the controls were not recognized correctly. I am starting to wonder if the wii controls do not even have the capability of being as accurate as I first anticipated. Does anyone think they can get the controls any better? I'm soooo close to giving up on Nintendo and selling my Wii.


  • We're probably going to pick up Mario Soccer this weekend. Then we'll let you know.
  • I find myself playing my 360 a lot more then my Wii. I've sort of forced myself to get back to playing Super Paper Mario in order to finish it, but other then that I haven't used it all that much. But when we are having a party or some sort of get together with my friends I bring it along and it always provides a good time.

    I've played Mario Strikers Charged, and its definitely a game that I need to pick up for bring around to those group gatherings. But generally the Wii isn't all that good for someone just wanting to play a game outside a group.

    Selling your Wii seems stupid, since its only been out for 8 months, and now the third party developers are just starting to work on games for the console. So chances are if you jump ship now you are just going to end up re-buying it again in the future.
  • I pretty much thought, after seeing the Wii launch titles and early line-up, that the console would need time to get a good library of worthwhile games before it'd be a good idea to purchase it.

    I'm sure once Smash Brothers and a new Metroid game come out, the system will be a lot more attractive.
  • edited August 2007
    Although 3rd party developers jumped on the Wii ship late, I'm trying to figure out whether the motion controls on the wii can be utilized to provide more realistic gameplay: like a boxing game in which the remotes do exactly what your hands (holding the remotes) do, including the speed behind the punches, placement for blocking and punching, ect. or a Gladiator game using the remotes as swords (or sword and shield, ect.) in which your motions with the remotes are shown exactly in the game with your weapons. I'd love to see some games (if it is possible) that don't have you just flicking your wrist or providing some kind of swinging motion as a generic trigger for the character to swing a sword. It would be great if they had more realistic games that rewarded (or helped train) accurate form in the game. I like to think it is possible seeing how in baseball for wii sports, the bat will wiggle right along with the wii remote when you're waiting for a pitch. Does anyone think the wii remote technology allows games to be made like this?

    By the way, I thought that Smash Brothers was not implementing the motion controls on the wii. Is this correct?

    Also, how are the controls for Mario Strikers?
    Post edited by bodtchboy on
  • @TheWhaleShark "I'm sure once Smash Brothers and a new Metroid game come out, the system will be a lot more attractive."

    Didn't they say that about the Gamecube? I sold my Gamecube so I don't think I'll buy a Wii, and Wii Fit, sad just sad.
  • @TheWhaleShark "I'm sure once Smash Brothers and a new Metroid game come out, the system will be a lot more attractive."

    Didn't they say that about the Gamecube? I sold my Gamecube so I don't think I'll buy a Wii, and Wii Fit, sad just sad.
    Get the hell off my internets.

    Really, the Wii just needs a couple of more solid games, and then it's gold.
  • I would bet money that, motion controls or not, Smash Bros. will be the game that really "makes" the console in the post-Wii Sports era. Much as I love Metroid, I don't see that being the big one for everyone, and I don't know of any more major releases before Brawl.
  • edited August 2007
    Get the hell off my internets.

    Really, the Wii just needs a couple of more solid games, and then it's gold.
    This seems to becoming a catch phrase of yours...
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Don't forget the Mario Galaxy.
  • I haven't even plugged in my Wii in about 4 months. There's just nothing on it I want to play. I wish I'd bought a 360.
  • I haven't even plugged in my Wii in about 4 months. There's just nothing on it I want to play. I wish I'd bought a 360.
    I've used my Wii a lot in the past few days to play Paper Mario and Dynamite Headdy on the virtual console.
  • Get the hell off my internets.

    Really, the Wii just needs a couple of more solid games, and then it's gold.
    This seems to becoming a catch phrase of yours...
    I find myself having to say it more and more.

    My internets are plagued with people that need to get the hell off them.
  • I am going to be keeping an eye out for the perfect pic to label "My internets, get the hell off them".

    Thanks Pete. :D
  • I'm finding that the Wii is growing into a new market as a "family" console. If you are looking at the Wii the way you look at X-Box/PS2 than you may not be impressed. If you are looking at the Wii as a new technology that is bringing in non-gamers than you will be impressed.
  • I'm a big believer in multi-platform gaming. I think everyone should have all three of the main consoles, an awesome computer and both the DS and PSP. I'm on my way there. I still need a Wii and a PSP. If you have all gaming platforms, you will never be wanting for content.
  • I'm a big believer in multi-platform gaming. I think everyone should have all three of the main consoles, an awesome computer and both the DS and PSP. I'm on my way there. I still need a Wii and a PSP. If you have all gaming platforms, you will never be wanting for content.
    Even if I only had my DS, I would still not be wanting for content. There is more entertainment out in the world to consume than there is time to consume it. Having all the consoles is definitely excessive unless you are stupidly rich and you don't have to spend time working.
  • edited August 2007
    I'm a big believer in multi-platform gaming. I think everyone should have all three of the main consoles, an awesome computer and both the DS and PSP. I'm on my way there. I still need a Wii and a PSP. If you have all gaming platforms, you will never be wanting for content.
    I'll beg to differ...I have a DS, PSP, PS2, 360, Wii, and all their predecessors and I am still bored out of my mind with the games I've got for the most part. Why? Because I've played them all to some degree and as such no longer get AS much enjoyment out of them as I feel that I could out of whatever the newest thing is.

    I'm slowly growing out of this state of disillusionment as I realize that many of my old games that I never beat still have plenty of entertainment value and I could enjoy that entertainment through to it's end in a matter of weeks in most cases.
    Post edited by raquor on
  • Quick Strikers Charged Multiplayer review: Awesome^4

    Just played it with 3 friends who never played it, and we played some intense matches for about 2 hours straight. We all ended up standing to play rather then sitting it was so intense.
  • How does the multi-player work out? Split screen?

    Can you mix local and wi-fi multi-player?
  • Its all on one screen for local. The arenas are fairly small, and considering everyone is typically attacking the ball, everyone is typically on screen. So it's not much of an issue. And I think you can mix local and wi-fi, like have 2v1, 2v2, or 3v1 over the net with the two or more being local. I have to go through the manual some more.
  • Even if I only had my DS, I would still not be wanting for content. There is more entertainment out in the world to consume than there is time to consume it. Having all the consoles is definitely excessive unless you are stupidly rich and you don't have to spend time working.
    I can easily afford it, yet I have probably only 5 hours a week for gaming. If I have all the systems, I know that what I want is immediately available when I want to play it. Scott, you love Nintendo and gaming for you means far more than just video games. Thus, Nintendo is enough for you. Even though Nintendo is awesome, I don't think it's enough for everyone, however.

    I'll beg to differ...I have a DS, PSP, PS2, 360, Wii, and all their predecessors and I am still bored out of my mind with the games I've got for the most part. Why? Because I've played them all to some degree and as such no longer get AS much enjoyment out of them as I feel that I could out of whatever the newest thing is.

    I'm slowly growing out of this state of disillusionment as I realize that many of my old games that I never beat still have plenty of entertainment value and I could enjoy that entertainment through to it's end in a matter of weeks in most cases.
    Raquor, it sounds like you just need to buy more games. Unless you are a full time gamer, it is humanly impossible to consume all that's currently available. And this fall's gaming season is almost overwhelming in its potential.
  • This is obviously going to be the Tuesday news, but all of Id software's games are now on Steam. I mean all of the games, and every official expansion pack as well. Everything from Commander Keen to the Doom 3 expansion pack is there. You can buy everything separately, or get absolutely every game for $63, which is what I just did. For the first time I legally own Wolfenstein 3D. This is unbelievable. If you have Steam and a DS, you can not possibly tell me that you need any more consoles or games to be entertained forever. Even for the most hardcore gamer, I just got a year's worth of playtime for $63. Oh mans.
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