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edited August 2007 in Everything Else
I am a high school student and am thinking about doing Kendo as a sport/ martial art. I have done lots of stuff before like cricket, football (soccer) and athletics. But I stopped doing them all after 8 months or so because I got really bored just running laps etc.. When I was 7 I tried doing Taekwondo, but I didn't really enjoy it.

So my question would be if Kendo is fun and what I have to do, buy or expect before doing training.


  • It just so happens that Katsu is a 4th or 5th-dan Kendo instructor. He'd be the guy to ask!
  • Question for kiwi: what does "athletics" mean in this context? I've heard it used like that before, but never could figure it out. Is it what we call track and field?* In the U.S. it generally means any sport.

    *100m sprint, 400m, 1600m, high jump, pole vault, etc.
  • I mean track and field.
  • Did Kendou for about 5 months while in japan and is defiantly a fun martial art. The getting hit over the head thing is really quite painless as your not aiming to hit your opponent unconscious but instead administer a blow of any strength as fast as possible.
    You will get a good full body exercise too. The rapid shuffle it quite tricky to do at the same time as everything else but all the movements put together make sense.
    Go for it! try and borrow armour (or while learning basics don't use armour.)
  • Kendou

    Is that a typo, or a stuck-up Japanophile thing?
  • I did kendo for a while at university and really enjoyed both the fitness and social aspects. Personally, I'm normally not a fan of anything that requires repetitive acts - I get bored too easily but I was lucky with this club because we would all hang out afterwards and that kept me motivated during the classes. I've since moved away but am looking to join another similar group.
  • edited August 2007
    Kendou can be spelt either way. I spend most of my time talking about it in Japanese. Before you get the wrong idea, I do like Japan, but not in the weird Japanophile way of things. Anyone is free to say it however they want. But still, Kendo(u), good however you choose to spell it. Shame the closest place to me is Halifax(uk).
    Post edited by Rym on
  • Anyone is free to say it however they want.

    Oh, I'm not denyin' that. Not at all... I'm just curious :)
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