In anime and manga (Japanese-originating animation style), it is very common to see sexually aroused characters suffering nosebleeds, sometimes intense ones. Sometimes referred as the Japanese Slapstick, this rarely occurs in real life, but is based on a Japanese "old wives' tale", which states that becoming sexually excited can cause nosebleeds.[citation needed] Such occurrences are generally played for laughs and signify "loserhood" and/or virginity. This conception regarding nosebleeds also exists in Chinese culture.
Yeah, thankfully the old wives tales are not true, and that I'm not living in Japan...As many times as I can get a nosebleed in a day due to dry air/hot weather.
Steve, you can still get them from Ureshii Fansubs. We finished up the series; just go to the website. There are links to BT and IRC: whichever fits your fancy.
Steve you can still get them from Ureshii Fansubs. We finished up the series, just go to the website there's links to BT and IRC, whichever fits your fancy.
I also saw it in the Eden Manga yesterday.