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The awesomeness of the Phoenix Water Clock at Kyoto Station.(pictures added)

edited August 2007 in Everything Else
Here is a video I took of the Phoenix Water Clock in Kyoto Station. Every hour its magic music is unlocked.

Added some pictures in my Picasa public album. There are higher resolution photos of the clock and pictures of the store in Kyoto Station.


  • Oh so awesome. Coincidence, we were talking about that clock just yesterday. I have seen pictures of it, but I did not realize it did anything that required video until now.

    Just in case anyone is still discounting the Tezuka. You don't see them making stuff like this for Superman or Spider-Man in public places, do you?
  • Someone please re-dub this with techno music.
  • This reminded me of the Detroit Airport Tunnel I was in last week. It's totally awesome to go through.

  • How do people with epilepsy go through that tunnel?
  • How do people with epilepsy go through that tunnel?
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