360 Price Drop August 8th
Okay Rym/Scott.... You gotta MAKE time for a 360 now... It's getting HELLA CHEAP.
*Yes, I wrote this article, no I am not pimping a site I work for. I am just using the closest article at my disposal - this information is also available on the Gamerscore blog
$200 is around the max I'll pay for a system. Beyond that, it' not worth my money.
Anyways, I would have to agree with ArtBoy. The only reason why I bought a PS2 is because it was quite cheap for what it does. Not so much the console, (at $129) but all the games are less than ten dollars now. I will certainly buy an Xbox 360 by January if not later in the coming year.
I have no problem paying what I did for some of my systems. While yeah, it is expensive, the entertainment I've got is well worth the damage, except for maybe the Wii. I NEVER play that thing anymore. I play my 360 a TON, the Live service is really great, even if it costs, but I dig the Xbox a lot. The new price is totally worth it.
I also bought a PS3... Erm... Pricey, but I like it. :)
Most gaming things in Australia cost more, and continue to cost more despite the fact that our dollar keeps improving against the US dollar.
Canada's too, yet everything costs 10, or 50 dollars more for software and hardware respectively.
And I will never, ever buy a PS3. There are no games on it I want to play, the price is obscene for the system and games, and I have no want for the 'added feature' of being able to play Blu-Ray stuff since i don't have an HD TV AND the fact that HD DVD's will likely be cheaper than the Blu-Ray. PS3 was poorly designed if they had to make it that expensive.
And my PS2 was about 200, and also served me for a time as a DVD player. Games are also relatively cheap for it, not usually breaking the $50 mark.
The Spectacular failure rate of the 360 scares me
Yeah, not blaming you there.
The PS2 is still probably the best overall console to own at the moment
I agree there. I bought a PS3 because I wanted one. I was interested enough in Blu Ray (to go along with my new HDTV!), as well as in a couple of the games. But, more importantly, this fall will be 60% PS3 gaming, 40% 360 gaming. There's way too much coming on PS3, and all I will play on the X-box is Halo, strictly because all of my friends are buying it, and I heart me some Co-op.
Man... Halo blows.
Lair, Uncharted, Halo, Mass Effect, Warhawk... Maybe Smash Brothers.
Damn world 8..
Personally, I think that in any multiplayer fps, if all the weapons are equally balanced, what is the point? If all weapons are created equal, including the one you spawn with, then why have different weapons at all? Of all the fpses I've played, I think that Natural selection has the best handling of the weapon situation. In general though, some guns are just better than others, and that's the way it should be.
That's why I can't wait for Team Fortress - It looks like the most awesome mix of classes ever.
/I'm probably the only Battlefield junkie here...