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TeamFortress 2 - Meet The Heavy


Who touched Sasha?!


  • This is a few months old, but still awesome. I thought I posted it here, but I guess not.

    This game is gonna be the shit.
  • Yeah, its quite an old video, but its still good :)

    I just wish they would release some more for the other classes before the game release
  • More of them would be nice, but I'd rather just have them get the game done on time.
  • edited August 2007

    Meet the soldier

    //I'm going to play soldier, so yay!
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • I think this might be the first game ever that has a bunch of classes which are all equally awesome. I assure you that when this game gets played, there will be many players of all different classes. Of course I will use all of them on occasion, but which ones to master?
  • Yey!
    I saw the video linked this morning on Ctr-Alt-Del and I immediately went and downloaded the high-res version which is amazing :)

    I remember playing Team Fortress (not too long ago in fact) I would always try to be sniper or soldier, but the best thing about the game is you can change class all the time to adapt to what's happening in the game. There for I see being versatile enough to play all classes to their strengths at the right time is key, maybe more so than mastering 1 class outright.
    Although it still wont stop me having a "favorite"
  • I really hope they do more of these videos.
  • On Steam you can now watch "Meet the Heavy" in Russian.
  • Does the lip sync match up?
  • The proper method of wearing ammo belts is to have the sharp bullet points facing away from your neck. Has Valve fixed this mistake yet?
  • The proper method of wearing ammo belts is to have the sharp bullet points facing away from your neck. Has Valve fixed this mistake yet?
    That's how hardcore the heavy is. ^_~
  • Like an unfired bullet could hurt the Heavy weapons guy, I mean it takes a crap load of fired bullets just to hurt him normally.
  • You do not wear the ammo belts bullets out because of mis-fired ammo. You wear them bullets out for chaffing and other issues. More specifically the way an ammo belt is made the clips are at the primer end of the bullet so you have the most play on the bullet end. I need to find some photographs to properly show this.
  • edited October 2007
    You do not wear the ammo belts bullets out because of mis-fired ammo. You wear them bullets out for chaffing and other issues. More specifically the way an ammo belt is made the clips are at the primer end of the bullet so you have the most play on the bullet end. I need to find some photographs to properly show this.
    I absolutely can not believe you're bitching about this. The game is pratcically a cartoon.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • I do not have the game to bitch about its finer points so I am forced to bitch about the points that present themselves to me. A better rebuttal would have been to say that Valve put the ammo belts on backwards on purpose as a form of inside joke. I would have given you mad props for an ingenious rebuttal such as that. Instead you took the easy and uncreative option.
  • edited October 2007
    I do not have the game to bitch about its finer points so I am forced to bitch about the points that present themselves to me. A better rebuttal would have been to say that Valve put the ammo belts on backwards on purpose as a form of inside joke. I would have given you mad props for an ingenious rebuttal such as that. Instead you took the easy and uncreative option.
    I'm pretty sure you're going batshit insane, it's a fucking game. I mean the medic has a gun that shoots syringes, SYRINGES!!
    Post edited by Andrew on
    Shouldn't you be more worried by the fact that if the bullets were that large then the ammo stash on the side of the gun would be enormous? Snap! no one carries their ammo on them. Why? because its a game!
  • Like it! Like it alot :)
  • edited October 2007
    Is there any way you can't love this video? ^^
    Post edited by Jain7th on
  • Awesome! Demoman's character is amazing :D *waits for the Scout and Spy*
  • "Prancin' aboot wit yer heads full of eyeballs"

  • I Lol'd at the end.
  • Are there any gameplay videos floating around for this?
  • Meet the Demoman was pretty good. I laughed.
  • That's a good one. I still don't really understand the Black/Scottish combination, but I know a guy who is Asian and Scottish so its not that weird.
  • I almost purchased the Orange Box last night and then I realized something. When am I going to play this?

    I have a wife, kid, job and blogging job. I'll be lucky to find enough time to finish Metroid Prime 3 in the next few months.
  • I almost purchased the Orange Box last night and then I realized something. When am I going to play this?

    I have a wife, kid, job and blogging job. I'll be lucky to find enough time to finish Metroid Prime 3 in the next few months.
    So don't buy it until you have time for it. Granted, that's fine for single player games like Portal and HL2:E2, but not so fine for TF2. It really is a truly different experience to get in on the ground floor with multiplayer games. Starting to play TF2 later on will be totally different. Lots of nubs will no longer be playing. The learning curve will be steeper because more of the players will be better. It will still be possible to play it later on, as I doubt people will all quit playing it. Just know that waiting to play a multiplayer game until later is completely different than waiting to play a single player game.
  • I agree Scott. I still have PC games I purchased 5+ years ago I have not played yet!
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