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Reasons to kill.

edited August 2007 in Everything Else
I wanna hear all your reasons you'd have for being able to kill another human and being able to sleep at night as if nothing happened. I'll start off with the obvious one, someone took my Charizard card.


  • As an absolute last resort to protect my friends, family, or loved ones from serious harm.
  • I'd be fine if it meant "kill or be killed."
  • The guy who invented voicemail. There really is just one guy. I've deliberately forgotten his name so I won't be tempted to hunt him down. After 20 years or so, I'll relearn it so I can check to see if he's dead so I can dance on his grave.
  • It all depends.
  • Self defense, or defense of loved ones.
  • Lawyers who disagree with me about dress codes.

    My dad always used to say that he wanted a line item in his work contract giving him permission to kill one customer per year, for any reason, in any manner, no questions asked. I think that's fair.
  • Boredom . . .

    Seriously though . . . I don't think I could do it for any reason and be "able to sleep at night as if nothing happened."
  • Alright how about this, what would someone have to do to make you kill that person and not feel any remorse for killing him/her afterwards.
  • not feel any remorse for killing him/her afterwards
    I'm not sure this is possible for me. I can think of more situations where I would do it then I care to admit. However, I'm fairly positive that, if it ever did happen, I would feel remorse at the very least.

    Maybe zombies . . . maybe.
  • edited August 2007
    Alright how about this, what would someone have to do to make you kill that person and not feel any remorse for killing him/her afterwards.
    They would have to attempt to hurt me, my friends, my family, or my property in such a way that the only way I could prevent those things from being hurt was to kill them. Even then, it would probably still weigh heavily on my mind.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • They would have to attempt to hurt me, my friends, my family, or my property in such a way that the only way I could prevent those things from being hurt was to kill them.
    Property? Really? I'm not sure I could think of a situation where I would be willing to kill based on injury to my property . . . can you give an example? I'm just curious.
  • They would have to attempt to hurt me, my friends, my family, or my property in such a way that the only way I could prevent those things from being hurt was to kill them.
    Property? Really? I'm not sure I could think of a situation where I would be willing to kill based on injury to my property . . . can you give an example? I'm just curious.
    Obviously if someone is trying to take my wallet, it's not worth killing them, though beating them up is not out of the question. But let's say someone was trying to burn down my house or sabotage my car.
  • let's say someone was trying to burn down my house or sabotage my car.
    Hrm . . . I don't think I'd go there for house burning either. I'm pretty sure there are only two reasons this would happen to me: 1) I feel another persons life is directly in danger in which case I ask questions later or 2) insanity. I wouldn't put it past me to loose my mind a bit if someone was burning down my house . . . but I'm pretty sure if no one was in the building I aim for a beating and call the police. I have insurance for a reason.
  • edited August 2007
    Hrm . . . I don't think I'd go there for house burning either. I'm pretty sure there are only two reasons this would happen to me: 1) I feel another persons life is directly in danger in which case I ask questions later or 2) insanity. I wouldn't put it past me to loose my mind a bit if someone was burning down my house . . . but I'm pretty sure if no one was in the building I aim for a beating and call the police. I have insurance for a reason.
    What if they are a suicide bomber going for your empty house, and you have a gun? A beating just isn't going to work. Also, what if they have a gas can and they are holding a match over it? You are far away with a gun. A beating again, won't save the day. These are the types of crazy situations I'm talking about.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • If the house is empty and no one was around to get hurt I'd let the suicide bomber go for it, I have insurance.
  • If I was in a situation where I was going to be killed I'll do it without question or remorse for them or the family that spawned them. Same thing if I had to protect a loved one.

    I wouldn't kill if they threatened property because material things can be replaced. That type of thing deserves an ass kicking.
    If the house is empty and no one was around to get hurt I'd let the suicide bomber go for it, I have insurance.
    Yeah I would too. I mean I can't kick his ass if he's dead unfortunately. I wonder if insurance can cover a huge anime collection though. (provoked thought)
  • There are only two reasons for me to ever kill someone. First, I would kill a single person to save a larger number of people. I would definitely feel remorse for doing this, but, I'd feel more remorse if I allowed a single person to live, and a large number of others to die. Second, like everyone else said, I would kill someone who is about to murder any innocent person, including me, my family and friends, or just a random person on the street. I would obviously try to save the innocent person without killing the person attempting murder first, but, if it is necessary to murder the criminal in order to save the innocent person beyond any reasonable doubt, I'd do it.
  • I would obviously try tosavethe innocent person without killing the person attempting murder first, but, if it is necessary to murder the criminal in order to save the innocent person beyond any reasonable doubt, I'd do it.
    This I'm not entirely sure about. Hypothetically . . . if I walked around the corner and someone was holding a gun to someone else execution style, and I had a knife in my hand . . . it'd be in the gunners neck immediately.

    Say the person with the gun to her head is my wife . . . I'd think even less about it.
  • The top two reasons in my case have already been covered here. The first is to protect myself, friends, or family. The second would be zombies. I would not lose one second of sleep in either case.
  • It's not a person any more if it's a zombie.

    Reasons I kill people, let's see:

    If they insult my mother.
    If they try to infiltrate my secret moon base.
    If they don't like bratwurst.
    If they make eye contact.
    *Sigh* The list goes on...
  • Starfox,

    If they fail in a mission I have assigned to them.

    Do minions count as people?
  • Not if they're wearing Generic Minion Uniforms.
  • edited August 2007
    Sweet! Black Pocket-t's for everyone. I'm a cheap but vindictive evil guy. That gets me off the hook on that one.
    Post edited by Scooter on
  • Maine law, last I checked, says that killing someone is permissable if you reaonably believe that you or another person is in immediate danger of murder, rape, or kidnapping. I think that's pretty reasonable.
  • Maine law, last I checked, says that killing someone is permissable if you reaonably believe that you or another person is in immediate danger of murder, rape, or kidnapping. I think that's pretty reasonable.
    So wait, if I go to court and prove I believed it, even if it wasn't even close to being true, then it's ok?
  • If it's the only possible, imaginable and doable thing to prevent myself from serious and permanent damage.

    But to be true, if no one ever harmed anybody there would be no need to kill shit, which is the way I would prefer the world.
  • edited August 2007
    Maine law, last I checked, says that killing someone is permissable if you reaonably believe that you or another person is in immediate danger of murder, rape, or kidnapping. I think that's pretty reasonable.
    So wait, if I go to court and prove I believed it, even if it wasn't even close to being true, then it's ok?
    New York has a similar law, but I believe there also has to have actually been a credible threat to your safety, or the judge would have to perceive it to be reasonable that you could have seen the situation as life-threatening.

    Like, if somebody pulls a knife and tells you they're going to cut you so bad that you'll wish they didn't cut you so bad, that is a credible threat to your life.

    EDIT: Can we get some lawyers in on this?
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Well at the moment I believe in the santity of life, but I do not know how I woul see it in my future :P
  • I would personally consider the use of deadly force as a viable option in any of the following situations, in descending order of my likelihood to actually carry it out:

    If someone threatens or appears to threaten any person with a deadly weapon.
    If I believe that someone will likely in the immediate future cause grevious physical harm to others.
    If someone breaks into (not just enters) my home bearing a deadly weapon.
    If someone is actively robbing my physical person and I cannot be certain that they will leave me unharmed.
    If someone breaks into (not just enters) my home and I cannot immediately determine their level of threat and intentions.
    If I am engaged in a conflict where I believe that the opponent(s) intend to cause my death.

    I would consider the use of violent or incapacitating force in many other circumstances, but only the above warrant actual, intentional lethal force.
  • My Generic Minion Uniform is that which the 300 Spartans wore. And yes, they are all that jacked.

    If they fail to address me as "your superlatency".
    If they ask a stupid question.

    FYI to all the evil overlords out there, pretty much the only questions minions are capable of asking are stupid ones.
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