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Amazing soccer skills

edited August 2007 in Everything Else
I love soccer and seeing this guy do these things just boggles my mind.


  • I've seen so many videos of guys like this who do amazing things with a soccer ball. Every time I am amazed, but also I begin to wonder. If these guys are so great, why aren't they playing actual soccer with the pros? I assume it's the same reason that the Harlem Globetrotters aren't winning the NBA championship. I can respect the skills it takes to do something like this, but I just don't respect them as much as I respect the skills of Pele or Ronaldinho.
  • That would be cool to see them play, but then it'd be street soccer. Then EA BIG or whatever would have to make a game, and on the GameCube Link or someone would be playable, and he'd just stab the ball with his sword.

    Wow, I hope no one steals my idea. Or that it's already made.
  • Street soccer is awesome but in a real game they are hardly used unless you are super awesome and you are not afraid of mess up.
  • I doubt those skills would translate well to professional football skills unless you wanted to confuse the crap out of your opponents and given the time it takes for someone to take the ball off you it wouldn't be that effective.
  • Well, actually, most soccer players can do pretty awesome stuff with the ball, you just don't see them doing that in a game. Also, this guy does look awesome when he doesn't mess up, but for every time he nails one of those moves, he messes up ten times. That won't work in a game.
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