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Computer problem

edited August 2007 in Everything Else
Hi guys,

My in-laws' computer is having issues again. Their kids keep downloading stuff from limewire and gunking the computer up with viruses and whatnot. Anyway, windows won't boot now. I went over yesterday to fix it, and it comes up with a stop error while trying to load windows(cant remember which one. Something like 0x000000c8). I figured it would be easier to just reinstall windows. So I put the windows disk in and begain to reinstall windows. However, when it asks which drive to install it to, it doesn't recognize any (however, it is recognized by the bios). When I tell it to install or find a partition, it again comes up with a stop error. it also describes a certain file, but the file is in the D: drive which is the CD/DVD drive (where the windows disk is).

So since I can't seem to install windows or do anything without getting a stop error, I assume that the hard drive might be bad, or possibly the ram? Anyone have any ideas? if it isn't the hardware, does anyone know how to fix the problem?


  • A situation like this is most likely a hardware error of some sort. However, it is extremely difficult to troubleshoot exactly which piece of hardware is at fault. Stop error 0x00000c8 is not very descriptive or helpful.
  • Download this, burn it to a CD and see if your memory is bad.
  • Yeah, sorry about the stop description. I should have brought the paper I wrote it down on with me so I can give a better description. I googled it last night and it came up with people having the same issues, but the answers seemed diferent and nothing really helpful. I guess I could plug the hard drive into my computer and see if I can get into the files on the drive, but I worry some of the junk they got on their hard drive (if their hard drive didn't crash) will transfer to my computer.

    I'll try the mem. diagnostic as well. Thanks!
  • If it's something like a not less or equal error, it's probably just a hiccup related to your RAM or PCMCIA cards (I had an old D-link wifi card that bluescreened on boot). Usually not fatal, unless it's recurring.

    If there's any mention of parity errors in the stop error, it's usually a sign that your RAM is
    a) not seated properly, or
    b) crying GG, and is going to die very soon.

    Stop errors can be caused by a myriad of other factors though, more details would be nice when you can get them ^_^

    p.s., You may see more stop errors from just transplanting a drive from one system to another. Windows doesn't like to play nice on systems that it doesn't have drivers for.
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