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edited August 2007 in Everything Else
Anyone at PAX 2006 could tell you that no matter where you looked, there was a handheld gaming device (okay okay. There were DS’) in every nook and cranny at the show. We tried our best to run a series of tournaments, much like we do in the PC and console areas, but there were a variety of factors that really hindered the format’s ability to translate to handheld gaming. (connectivity, no dedicated rooms, etc. etc.)

That said, we’re trying something new this year. It dawned upon us that there were (obviously) more handheld consoles being played than any other (albeit socially), meaning there was this untapped potential for this cool, competitive thing a ton of people could participate in… but the existing format just doesn’t scale very well. 16-32-64 person tourneys are great… but anything bigger and you’re looking a logistical nightmare and TONS of waiting around for 95% of the players. Blah.

So I’d like to introduce our new concept: The Handheld Distributed Tournament System. It’s essentially a convention-wide platform for competing 1v1 against anyone and everyone with a DS or a PSP with actual rankings/prizes at the end of the tournament/show. How is this going to work, you ask? Let me explain!


1. When you arrive, go to the HDTS Booth in Handheld Lounge B on the 2nd floor. In exchange for a holepunch in your official PAX Badge, you will receive two HDTS buttons. That’s all that’s required to register.
2. You may challenge any person wearing an HDTS button for one (1) button. (a good visual initiation would be to present your button between your thumb and index finger) They can decline the challenge, but hey, that means they can’t win your button. Their loss.
3. Any handheld game and system may be used with any gametype – the only condition is that both players agree beforehand on the ruleset.
4. Intentional dropping is not cool and will result in an automatic forfeiture of your button, but come on guys- this is PAX! (I honestly don’t see much of this happening)
5. Any disputes should be directed toward the HDTS Booth Staff.

After 2 PM on Sunday, you can check in to the HDTS Booth to report your button count. (the buttons will be yours to keep, but they will be uniquely marked to avoid multiple use of the same button) Pooling buttons together is not allowed. We’ll list the Top 5 at 4 PM where winners can claim their prizes! (we’re working on the five prizes, but what we’ve got so far is pretty sweet)
If you follow the link and scroll down further, you would find the schedule for organized Handheld gaming events. I find it funny that most of the games featured are predominantly DS games. Personally, I love this system. I can't believe PAX has the balls to organize something like this. It totally reminds me of something...


  • edited August 2007
    It totally reminds me of something...
    Remember, kids, gambling is good for you!
    Post edited by Neito on
  • I read this yesterday and got extremely excited. I'm almost tempted to buy Super Mario Kart DS again, but I will be there for the Tetris, Bomberman, & Puzzle Quest action! ^_^

    I'm pretty sure I'll either be in the DS playing area or the tabletop area for most of the convention, other than the exhibition room. \m/
  • We are trying to add some tournaments to pokefarm (DS or PBR for Wii) but since it would be world-wide we need some way to verify the games. The only thing I can think of with PBr is to have the players have their DS VOIP on so a judge can listen in.
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