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Flash Gordon

edited August 2007 in Everything Else
Has anyone else seen this malodorous piece of vile, fetid excrement? I'm ready to declare jihad on the ScFi Channel.

The serials were okay. The comic strip was okay. The movie was worth watching for the music, costumes, sets, etc. Actually, I thought the cartoon version in the late 70s was pretty good.

Also, about the SciFi Channel, why do they have to show crap all the time? If they really wanted to show B movies, it seems like there'd be plenty of B movies from the 50s they could show. They could show those old Republic serials. They could show more older TV, like Outer Limits, Land of the Giants, Amazing Stories, and so forth. Why do they feel like they have to fill their programming day with crappy newer movies and shows?

Someone told me once that it was actually cheaper to show the new crappy movies and shows than to show then old crappy movies and shows. Could this be possible?


  • Curse you, Joe. Curse you to the pit of eternal darkness.

    After you made me watch the pilot last week, I hated the new Flash Gordon. This Friday night I was bored and nothing was on, and I ended up somehow... SOMEFUCKINGHOW... watching the second episode. The delivery of all of the actors is still dry and halting, and it's officially turned into a harem show.

    I am not going to watch it again. I am not going to watch it again. I am not going to watch it again. I am not going to watch it again. I am not going to watch it again. I am not going to watch it again.
  • edited August 2007
    They actually showed the second episode? They weren't too embarrassed?
    The delivery of all of the actors is still dry and halting, and it's officially turned into a harem show.
    I've seen better actin' from fast actin' Tinactin.

    Really, I could see a better show by closing my eyes and making up dialogue for those swirly thingees . . .
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • edited August 2007
    I saw about half of the first episode, in total.  I saw bits and pieces here and there when they aired it all that night.  It was just really badly executed... and confusing.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • I don't watch TV anymore as you know, but every Sci-Fi channel original show I've ever seen has been crap.
  • BSG is the only show worth watching on Sci-Fi.
  • BSG is the only show worth watching on Sci-Fi.
    I saw the really long episode and the first few normal episodes. Meh.

    Yes, I will continue to pronounce my hate of crap Sci-Fi TV as long as it still exists. Give me the Twilight Zone or STFU.
  • Give me the Twilight Zone or STFU.
    Twilight Zone FTW! They should just show the original series 24/7 on Sci-Fi. They have no other good shows, so why not?
  • Give me the Twilight Zone or STFU.
    Twilight Zone FTW! They should just show the original series 24/7 on Sci-Fi. They have no other good shows, so why not?
    That would be good, but they have to cut Twilight Zone to ribbons to make room for all their commercials. They also sometimes show the Showtime version of The Outer Limits, but, of course, they have to cut that mercilessly as well.
  • It is a shame that the TV stations feel the need to cut a show down to fit in comericals. I'm waiting for a network to say, "screw it! We'll just have prime time start at 7:00PM and let each show run a little long and have the next one start at 8:05 PM or even later."
  • It is a shame that the TV stations feel the need to cut a show down to fit in comericals. I'm waiting for a network to say, "screw it! We'll just have prime time start at 7:00PM and let each show run a little long and have the next one start at 8:05 PM or even later."
    The ScFi Channel sometimes does that with Twilight Zone and Star Trek. They call it "fill in show name - Uncut". When they do that, the show usually lasts at least fifteen minutes into the next time slot.

    It's all just really disappointing. When I heard there was going to be a SciFi Channel, I thought they'd show things like Twilight Zone all the time. Just like when I heard there was going to be a History Channel, I thought they'd actually show some history, instead of Modern Marvels and R. Lee Ermey all the time. Just like when I heard there was going to be an Animal Planet channel, I thought they'd show Wild Kingdom and National Geographic when instead they show Pet Star and The Planet's Funniest Animals all the time. Just like when I heard they were going to have a VH1 Classic Channel, I thought they'd show music videos, instead of Behind the Music all the time.

    Cable is a wasteland of broken promises and shattered dreams.
  • Cable is a wasteland of broken promises and shattered dreams.
    On the upside: DVD sales are up!
  • Unfortunately, "Flash Gordon" has a guaranteed run of either 22 or 44 episodes, I forget which. The horror.

    They butcher everything with too many commercials, particularly the new "Dr. Who." They don't even break at logical plot points.

    Besides "BSG", "Eureka" has turned into a darn good show. It is somewhat whimsical and has some charm.
  • I got fed up with waiting each week for Doctor Who, so I just bittorrented the series from The Lazarus Experiment onwards and I'm done the season.
  • edited August 2007
    I'll jump in here to defend Sci-Fi, but some others have already made my point. Sci-Fi has produced some good shows (BSG, Eureka, Dresden Files) in the past few years, but I'm not sure why they decided that Flash Gordon needed to be a Stargate spin-off. They've got some really strange ideas for programming. Maybe it's that Sci-Fi is getting NBC's B-list shows, since they've started picking up and placing Sci-Fi shows on Mondays to turn it into a themed night around "Heroes."

    And I think some of the points people are bringing up here about commercials are accurate. My roommates and I have cable, but we have a DVR. We watch shows like Eureka or the Burn Notice, but not live. There's too much commercial time.

    About the divide between new sci-fi and old sci-fi, that's what they should be doing with the daytime slots, airing the old good shows like Twilight Zone instead of only pulling those out for holidays. But they are the banner network for Science Fiction (and Fantasy if we're honest) entertainment, in front of any of the big networks. They should experiment and make new shows and new ideas. Not all of those ideas are going to be done well. And not all of those ideas are going to be popular, but they might be well done. I think Flash Gordon's falling into both of those categories, and they got blinded by the Old-Skool idea of bringing back Flash Gordon to place strict controls on the project.
    Post edited by Pilitus on
  • They should experiment and make new shows and new ideas. Not all of those ideas are going to be done well.
    I understand that and I would be forgiving of some level of crappiness. However, this show is one of the worst things I've ever seen on TV. It was an epic failure. And I saw all the 70s TV. The Love Boat was better than this thing.
  • Hey, I agree with that sentiment, and think they just jumped at the idea of somebody doing FG without thinking it through.

    Also, that probably means you're skipping right over the reality show of "Who wants to be a Superhero?" I see the commercials for that and I'm thinking "Underwear Perverts."
  • I've watched sci-fi for only 2 reasons:

    * I had the chicken pox (or what everyone at school dubbed them as "The Chicken Prox") for a week, and while barely awake I would watch "Who Wants To Be A Superhero?"

    * X-Files. But now my mom is watching the whole series before school (she's a teacher) and now I don't need the sci-fi channel.
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