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Bitter website divisions.

edited August 2007 in Everything Else
Might as well get on this train while it's still unexploded.
Myspace or Facebook?
Twitter or Pownce?
Photobucket or Flickr?
My Yahoo or iGoogle?
Bloglines or Google Reader?


  • Photobucket rules!
  • Hm...

    Facebook (myspace was, is, and will be crap. Facebook might not become too bad)
    I don't really have need of either Twittr or Pownce.
    Flikr, definitely.
    iGoogle, even though it seems Apple-esque.
    I have a love/hate relationship with RSS feeds. For podcasts, I use iTunes, but I haven't consolidated my feeds into one program. (I mostly just use firefox's bookmarks-style RSS reader function)
  • Myspace or Facebook? All my friends are on Myspace, I think its shit.
    Twitter or Pownce? neither
    Photobucket or Flickr?
    My Yahoo or iGoogle?
    Bloglines or Google Reader?
  • Myspace or Facebook? Nope
    Twitter or Pownce? Not a chance.
    Photobucket or Flickr? Also neither.
    My Yahoo or iGoogle? Always google
    Bloglines or Google Reader? um. favorites?

    I really try to manage my own content a lot. I use a lot of RSS feeds with filters and once I got it my way . . . it's done.
  • edited August 2007
    Myspace or Facebook? Only an idiot would choose Myspace over Facebook after having tried them both.
    Twitter or Pownce? Neither. They're both a waste of time.
    Photobucket or Flickr? Unlimited free space? Fuck yeah.
    My Yahoo or iGoogle? Neither. Portals are an outdated technology these days.
    Bloglines or Google Reader?
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Myspace or Facebook?
    Photobucket or Flickr?
  • I'll do what I can...

    Myspace: Now now now, don't murder and rape me just yet. I only like it 'cause all my friends have it and they don't wanna make the change over to it. Also, I don't have FaceBook.
    Photobucket: Although I might change my mind... my dad has an awesome account for is London adventures... but I like photobucket just so I can put images somewhere so I can pt them on websites/profies later.
  • I still use Webcrawler . . .
  • edited August 2007
    Myspace or Facebook? F*** those! Livejournal bizznatches!
    Twitter or Pownce? What you call me?!
    Photobucket or Flickr? Photobucket!
    My Yahoo or iGoogle? Yahoo!
    Bloglines or Google Reader? Those are fighting words!
    Post edited by Viga on
  • Livejournal bizznatches!
    I don't really get the difference... please explain.
    And please don't say something like "Well, first of, MySpace/FaceBook/LiveJournal/Whatever iz teh sux0rz." Actual differences between the sites would be nice.
  • Livejournal bizznatches!
    I don't really get the difference... please explain.
    And please don't say something like "Well, first of, MySpace/FaceBook/LiveJournal/Whatever iz teh sux0rz." Actual differences between the sites would be nice.
    I have tried My Space once just to keep in touch with some college people but I don't like the look of it. Same reasons with Xanga. Its just the design doesn't appeal to me nor does the custom options. I have some more freedom to change my LJ look without having to buy anything. A more personal reason is that I have almost 4 years worth of memories there. Even though people are always like "Viga, who cares about Livejournal! My Space is the hot thing" I could care less. It just seems cluttered to me and no better than any blog site. Ditto for Facebook.

    There you go.
  • I still use Webcrawler . . .
    1992 called. It wants its mediocre, advertising-encumbered search engine back.
  • Facebook
    neither (netvibes)
    neither (see above)
  • Livejournal doesn't really serve the same purpose as MySpace/Facebook. There's a fair bit of blog mixed in there with LJ, whereas I was under the impression that MySpace and the like were specifically for keeping in touch with people? I wouldn't really know as I haven't got one of those (though I have an LJ... So many artists have sketchblogs there! :D It's great. LJ seems to have attracted a lot of the online art community, now that I think about it).
  • edited August 2007

    I have tried My Space once just to keep in touch with some college people but I don't like the look of it. Same reasons with Xanga. Its just the design doesn't appeal to me nor does the custom options. I have some more freedom to change my LJ look without having to buy anything. A more personal reason is that I have almost 4 years worth of memories there. Even though people are always like "Viga, who cares about Livejournal! My Space is the hot thing" I could care less. It just seems cluttered to me and no better than any blog site. Ditto for Facebook.

    There you go.
    Wow... it sounds pretty fun. I might wanna go make one. :P
    LJ seems to have attracted a lot of the online art community, now that I think about it.
    I'm pretty sure that's why I have my DeviantArt account... but I think I use it more for the blog.

    Edit: I'm trying right now to get my friends over to LJ... by the time school starts I'll know if anyone's moved over to it.
    Post edited by JukeBoxJosh on
  • I still use Webcrawler . . .
    1992 called. It wants its mediocre, advertising-encumbered search engine back.
    Okay, I get your point. I'll start using Lycos.
  • Is that still around? I was quite the avid Altavista search fanatic in the early 90s. I still use Babelfish occasionally.
  • Myspace or Facebook? Facebook doesn't increase my urge to go on a killing spree...
    Twitter or Pownce? Who-da-whats'it-now?
    Photobucket or Flickr? Flickr Pro!
    My Yahoo or iGoogle? Neither, but I used to use My Yahoo; and if I used such a page it would probably be iGoogle now.
    Bloglines or Google Reader? Neither again.
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