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Forum Reading

edited August 2007 in Everything Else
I recently came to the conclusion that I spend a lot of time on teh internets...and realized that it takes a good bit of time for me to read through a forum, referring specifically to this one, which is the one I try and participate in the most. So, here's the question: how long does it take you to read this forum/other forums you frequent, and by read I mean browse through new posts and reply and stuff. I also think it'd be interesting if people shared how they read forums, whether it's spending 10 minutes at a time every now and then or getting online and spending X amount of time reading one forum.

I'll start by saying that I usually spend anywhere from 1-2 hours in a day on the geeknights forum, but that may just be because I've just started getting back into reading/posting and am trying to get caught up on stuff that I missed. In terms of how, I tend to read/comment on a few posts, then go away, then come back and do it again, so I basically chunk my forum reading.


  • I probably spend about 5-10 minutes an hour reading and messing with forums. More on active days, less on slow days.

    And I tend to read from the bottom up, and respond to two or three treads a day.
  • I usually spend a good half an hour here reading and posting to whatever catches my eye. The rest of the time is usually hitting the refresh button, 'cause I have nothing better to do.
  • edited August 2007
    15-20 minutes of reading unless something huge is being talked about. I just lurk and read because I basically am paid to sit at a comp and answer the phone. Nothing much to do but refresh every 5 minutes and post.
    Post edited by Viga on
  • Over the course of a day probably 15-30 minutes. The forums tend to be a bit slow for me so I pretty much read 3-4 threads at a time post if I have something worth saying and then get back to work.
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