GeekNights 070830 - How to Not Suck at YouTube
Tonight on GeekNights: How to Not Suck at making YouTube videos.
Scott's GeekBite - Grand Admiral Thrawn
Rym's News - Copyright Clusterfuck
Scott's Thing - Pictures from Cuba
Rym's Thing - Invisible Drum Kit
1) Rowan is great. The percussion is a tape; he's timed his performance to match. Awesome.
2) I never use a bookmark.
3) I read the Zahn trilogy when I was 13. At the time, I believe it was the only Star Wars-licensed novel adaptation out there. I echo Scott's assessment.
4) I got a new job yesterday, and I am overly happy right now.
For some reason, many Americans think that Cuba is some sort of utopia. It's not. People don't risk their lives in inflatable rafts to leave a utopia. I'd like to see trade restored, because that can only help the people and encourage capitalism. I suspect that will happen sooner than later.
Come to Candy Mountain Charlie. *shiver* After the 300th time, it's not funny anymore. I__I
Has anyone noticed that half the videos on youtube involve Naruto?
After Homer and Mr. Burns leave fidel and his buddies start to party!
A more recent book in the same vein is The Sky People, which I heartily recommend. It's written in the same style as the Lensman and Skylark series with a hero that takes no crap from anyone, and it takes place in a universe in which early twentieth century science fiction ideas about the solar system are true, e.g. Venus is a jungle planet teeming with life and Mars is a dying world with an old civilization.