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cross-platform OGG podcatcher?

edited September 2007 in Everything Else
I've been searching the various internets for 20 minutes now, and that is about my limit. I can't find a single podcatcher that will read rss feeds that provide OGG files. Even though the free and open vorbis format has been all but ignored by frontrow, I'd still like to think the underground stil exists. Does anyone know of a cross-platform application that I can use to subscribe to feeds that only release their shows in ogg?

Much love to those who help keep broadcasting free...


  • Err... I don't know any podcasts that release their shows in OGG, so I have no feed to test various applications with.
  • I'm pretty sure that all the podcatchers support ogg. The podcatcher usually doesn't care what type of file you are downloading. It looks at the RSS enclosure and downloads whatever file is there, even if it's a txt file or whatever. Somepodcatchers that also happen to be players might not play ogg without some tweaking or codecs, but you can just use a separate player. I don't know any cross-platform apps, but can't Winamp subscribe to podcasts and play oggs? How about Amarok? I'm sure iTunes can do it if you install a plugin.
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