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HL2 Mod : Insurgency

Okay, I've been yipping about is game for a few months. I want to share it with all of you because I believe it will distill awesome players out of the CS community. Basically, the game is an objective-based mod in which two teams, divided into squads, attempt to capture points on the map. There are three types of play within the game:

Push: One team attacks while the other defends. Typically the Marines are on the attack and the insurgents defend. The attackers have a limited number of respawns and have to capture all points. Once they cap a point, it cannot be lost to the enemy again. The defenders have infinate reinforcements, but if they don't organize they can loose very quickly. Spawn points shift as objectives are captured.

Battle: Linear-type capture and defend map. Points can be lost and recaptured, but in a linear fashion. For example, if you have points A, B, and C, you can't capture A and then C without getting B first. Spawn points move as objectives are captured. Each team has unlimited reinforcements.

Firefight: This map starts both teams equidistant from three spawn points. Teams can capture any point at any time and have limited respawns. Each time an objective is captured, the capturing team gets more reinforcements. Victory is obtained by either killing off the entire other team or capturing all the points.

There are also classes in the game, but only a few of each per team. This game has very nice texturing and physics, iron-sighting with no crosshairs, leaning, going prone, and is heavy on the teamwork.

I'd go into more detail, but the website does the game more justice than I can. Best part is it's free. Check it out and let me know what you think!



  • edited September 2007
    I played this game after you yipped about it. I still have it installed, but I don't know why. I'm sorry to say that this is a fanboy game. It is a game designed for the hardest core of nerdly fps players who would rather have a game that provides faux military realism instead of fun and interesting gameplay. The game gives you no crosshairs and no tutorials. If you try to play on a server with people who have any amount of experience, you will die every time, never get a kill, and you will never realize how you died. The only two good things I can say about this mod is that it is extremely polished, and fanboys will love it. Counter-Strike beater this is not. Natural Selection, a game that hasn't changed in years, has more players and servers than this thing even today. This game is the perfect game for maybe a few hundred people who are super nerds, and it's crap for everyone else.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • edited September 2007
    Well call me a super-nerd.

    I agree that there is a steep learning curve, however it only took me a few turns to figure the maps out.

    This game has a distinctly higher difficulty than CS, and you will be terrible the first couple of times you play untill you get the hang of what you are doing.

    I suggest people not jump to conclusions based on Scott's review, seeing as he hates almost every video game known to man, and he instantly thinks every game he's no good at is a terrible game.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • I suggest people not jump to conclusions based on Scott's review, seeing as he hates almost every video game known to man, and he instantly thinks every game he's no good at is a terrible game.
    I think the issue is simply that we have a limited amount of time with which to play games.  If a game is merely "good," and there are two "awesome" games, I'm not going to even look at the "good" game.
  • C'mon Rymothy. You know that last part is an absolute truth.
  • C'mon Rymothy. You know that last part is an absolute truth.
    Scott was god-awful at CounterStrike when he first played it, and remained so for a while.  He still recognized it as a good game, and he kept playing it.  He's terrible at Othello, yet he respects it as a great game.  (I'm as terrible at Backgammon as he is at Othello...) ^_~
  • There's that face again! The FACE!! it makes me want to rip someone's spleen out and stretch it over their head!!
    To the troublesome duo: Could you start giving things a "Good if you have time on your hands" recommendation when appropriate.
  • There's that face again!The FACE!! it makes me want to rip someone's spleen out and stretch it over their head!!
    To the troublesome duo: Could you start giving things a "Good if you have time on your hands" recommendation when appropriate.
    I gave it a "good for fanboys" recommendation. What more do you want?
  • I enjoy this mod because I'm an utter fanboi. However, I much prefer the Project Reality Mod for BF2, IMHO, it does modern warfare more justice and encourages more teamplay.
  • I plan to play the game more this week, but my initial impressions are thus:
    It is a decent game, but it does not stand out among the pack.  No matter its merits, it is in no way a "CounterStrike killer," and I doubt most CS players will even notice it.
  • edited September 2007
    I enjoy this mod because I'm an utter fanboi. However, I much prefer theProject Reality Modfor BF2, IMHO, it does modern warfare more justice and encourages more teamplay.
    I sort of like this as a break from the vehicle-based play.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • I plan to play the game more this week, but my initial impressions are thus:

    It is a decent game, but it does not stand out among the pack. No matter its merits, it is in no way a "CounterStrike killer," and I doubt most CS players will even notice it.
    It's different than CS, so I think it attracts a different crowd. The game is much slower paced overall, and a bit more tactical. CS fills that old-style action-packed FPS niche. To me, it would all depend on what sort of mood I was in. Some days, I want to play an hour long back-and-forth tactical style game, and some days I want to pwn some nubs with my 1337 headshotting skillz.

    Insurgency reminds me greatly of an old UT mod I used to play called Infiltration. It's the same sort of idea and it appeals to that slower-paced tactical warfare nerd in all of us.

    The game is not for everyone; the lack of a crosshair does ramp up the difficulty, and it will generally force you to be slower and more careful. However, it is immensely satisfying to snipe someone using iron sights.
  • I know some people that rip a really small piece off of a post-it note (less residue than tape, I guess) and put it on the middle of the screen, since no matter where you look, your would-be crosshairs are always in the center. I always thought they did it so they could run 'n gun with sniper rifles, but now I hear people are playing Gears of War and Vegas with it. I guess it's cheating, but there's no way to tell, kind of like an analog hole for cheaters.
  • Crosshairs are a crutch for weak players.
  • It's different than CS, so I think it attracts a different crowd.
    That's the point.  ArtBoy was trying to sell it to us offline (before this thread) as a "CounterStrike Killer" which, irrespective of the game's other merit, is wholly untrue.
  • meh personally I prefer Day of Defeat. The guns are more accurate and deadly compared to CS and the constant respawns reward's more aggressive gameplay and you don't have to wait while the last few players hide behind boxes waiting for the enemy to walk past.
  • Ok, so I want to try playing this some more, but ALL of the servers are empty...
  • What? That's crazy talk. I've never seen it being all empty. You and I have got to play together, I'll show you what's what, meat.
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