I really miss Sliders. I used to watch it on SciFi channel.
There was this guy who created a device to go through different versions of our world. It had some cool characters. It focused on these 4 people, Quinn, Wade, Proffessor Arturo and Rembrant a singer. Quinn was trying to use himself as a ginuea pig for his invention and Wade and Arturo join his second test and accidently take Rembrandt with them. So they go through alternate universes till they find their own.
This was a truly great show...up until somewhere in the 3rd season things just gotten well...dumb. I did tune in still but I ended up skipping a lot I didn't care for until the last episode. Cast changes and the kromagg plot really broke it for me.
If this was an anime....That would be awesome though. I'm shopping for the DVD's online right now.
Although I do love White Castle. We don't have any locations in MD. The only one I been too was in the Bronx while visiting NY.
*SMCM was this program for Windows '95 where you could move around these animated .gifs basically and create these little animations starring all the Spider-Man characters. It was awesome when I was a thirteen-year-old boy.
The more you know.