Wow, actually that photo of the newly transformed Lana Wachowski looks really natural. Still got that androgyny you'd expect of someone who started out as a man, but still, seeing that, I don't really have a problem accepting Larry/Lana's new identity. Even the name doesn't really grate me. Good for her!
Maybe I just don't understand the psychology behind a sex change, but why would anyone want to do this? Considering how fake breast implants look and feel, I don't think I'm going to fall for a fake vagina anytime soon. Can you even have sex anymore, and can you still get off? I know this probably sounds shallow, but I couldn't imagine getting rid of my real sex organs and living the rest of my life with fake replicas, even if I did feel like I should have been born a woman.
Holy shit you joined the forums!
It's a-me, Cielmort. XD