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iPhone owners are whiney bitches.

edited September 2007 in Technology
Okay, first it was stupid of anyone to wait hours or days in line to give $500 to a company for A PHONE. I don't care what the hell else it does. it's a phone.

Second, the fact that the same people went ranting and raving because there was a $200 price cut is rediculous. No one should get a cent. You wanted to have your techno orgasim early and brag to everyone that you had an iPhone, you got it. It's not anyone's fault you didn't have the foresight of every other normal person in the country when a piece of new tech comes out. Technology always gets cheaper the longer you wait, and just because the wait was short in this case doesn't mean people should be getting money back.

Jobs is being very generous with his $100 gift to whiney nerds and technophiles everywhere, I'd have given them the finger and laughed all the way to the bank.


  • *riveting applause*
  • I really don't care. I'm so used people acting this way, it just doesn't make me mad anymore.
  • Highly amusing. I suppose apple has snared all the customers it thinks are going to pay the introductory price.
  • Meh, I'm still keeping my iPod till it croaks to death. Then I'll upgrade.
  • Sheesh, what happened to electrical devices your kids could inherit.
  • I don't own an IPhone, but I do have sympathy for those who shelled out $600. It's clear that the price drop had nothing to do with decreased costs. Either Apple just wanted to rape as many people as they could prior to selling the phone at a reasonable price, or they weren't selling enough so they were forced to drop the price. If the latter is true, then you really can't blame Apple for doing what they did. But it does suck for the early adopters. We all know that prices drop... but 60 days... you have to have a little sympathy for that. Nobody could have predicted it.
  • I don't own an IPhone, but I do have sympathy for those who shelled out $600. It's clear that the price drop had nothing to do with decreased costs. Either Apple just wanted to rape as many people as they could prior to selling the phone at a reasonable price, or they weren't selling enough so they were forced to drop the price. If the latter is true, then you really can't blame Apple for doing what they did. But it does suck for the early adopters. We all know that prices drop... but 60 days... you have to have a little sympathy for that. Nobody could have predicted it.
    I really don't have sympathy. These people shelled out the full price of their own free will.
  • I can't say I feel to bad for them either. Neither of the people I know with iPhones had to wait in line for them, and both of them make enough money not to worry about a couple of hundred dollars that much. I have already teased my coworker about the price drop, and I suppose I'll be teasing the other at games night next week.
  • It's all a trick. What can you buy from Apple for $100? They just want to get you back in the store to buy more stuff.
  • It's all a trick. What can you buy from Apple for $100? They just want to get you back in the store to buy more stuff.
    iPhone accessoriez.
  • I think it's a win-win result for both parties. Apple drops the price so they can sell more and they cover themselves by offering the rebates, while the iPhone is now more affordable and the early adopters only ended up paying a 100 dollar premium to get it right away.
  • What can you buy from Apple for $100?
    An ITunes gift certificate.

    I heard that one reason NBC left ITunes was because ITunes wants to make television shows cot 99 cents. If true, kudos to ITunes. That's a much more reasonable price.

  • I heard that one reason NBC left ITunes was because ITunes wants to make television shows cot 99 cents. If true, kudos to ITunes. That's a much more reasonable price.
    99 cents?! That's awesome!!

  • I heard that one reason NBC left ITunes was because ITunes wants to make television shows cot 99 cents. If true, kudos to ITunes. That's a much more reasonable price.
    99 cents?! That's awesome!!
    I think they make about $1.50 average per viewer per episode in advertising but the problem is if downloading becomes popular it will probably be the rich people buying the shows making the remaining TV advertising worth much less as only poor people are still watching the box.

  • I heard that one reason NBC left ITunes was because ITunes wants to make television shows cot 99 cents. If true, kudos to ITunes. That's a much more reasonable price.
    99 cents?! That's awesome!!
    That is something to look forward too. It was too expensive to buy a season of TV shows before. Now I can buy all my Heroes for a reasonable price. =D
  • The theory is that a season on ITunes has to be cheaper than a DVD in order to be competitive.

    I agree, especially with Netflix out there.

    99 cents is also a really good price point since it's pretty close to that magic number that's low enough to avoid the hassle of bittorrent.
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