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TV guilty pleasures

edited September 2007 in Everything Else
I don't watch much TV that much except for what anime is on demand and adult swim. There are some things on TV I do watch that is a guilty pleasure of mine.

I used to hate Degrassi with a vengeance because I thought it was teen drama crap. Then I watched an episode with a semi interesting topic. I got hooked. Then that roped me into South of Nowhere, Instant Star, The Best Years...all melodramatic crap. Yet its so addictive to watch. I'm suddenly everything I used to make fun of back when the WB was the hot thing in high school. Sigh.


  • Sometimes, I tune into Cartoon Network in the middle of the day and watch old Tom and Jerry episodes. XD

    I also catch bits of Ed, Edd, and Eddy from time to time.
  • Oh god, Degrassi.

    ...Naruto. The Dub. Yes, it makes me cry, but it's interesting to see how they dubbed it.
  • Prison Break and 24 (but if the coming season of 24 involves nukes I"m done with that show...).
  • I don't really watch 24 but it's sometimes interesting. My bro and friend worships Jack Bauer.
  • Pretty much all my tv viewing is guilty pleasures. Normally I'm just on the computer or listening to podcasts. Basically TV boils down to SciFi channel (Friday nights & Eureka), Cartoon network, Food Network (mostly Good Eats) and Discover channel (Myth Buster's FTW). That's basically it. Also USA, but that's more because my fiancee watches that whenever I don't get the remote.
  • I guess, a guilty pleasure is something that you know sucks but you like it anyway. So I will say American Idol the first ep of each season (I like listeing to bad singing).
  • The Fairly Oddparents, they are on all the time, I just turn on Nick or the Disney Channel at random hours on the afternoon and watch away.
  • The Fairly Oddparents, they are on all the time, I just turn on Nick or the Disney Channel at random hours on the afternoon and watch away.

    Fairly Odd Parents is awesome. I miss watching that show. I really don't have much time to sit down and watch tv, however, I do make it a habit to make sure I don't miss watching Eureka or Heroes.

    Going a bit off topic, thinking about Fairly Odd Parents reminds me of how much I miss watching some of the better cartoons on Nickelodeon. I can watch the occasional Jimmy Neutron, but I miss shows like Doug or Rocko's Modern Life. I'm not sure if it's out on DVD, but I wouldn't mind owning those series.

    *hums Doug theme in head now* ^_^
  • edited September 2007
    I watched the first season of The O.C. religiously.

    /Ducks and covers.

    Oh, and Doug was an awesome show. It's too bad that children's television has been saturated with the mind-numbing idiocy of Sponge Bob-esque fart jokes.
    Post edited by Jason on
  • Eureka. Just started and I'm totally addicted. Watched almost all of it this weekend. Lately the wife and I have been watching Sex and the City which is oddly addictive. I recommend keeping to the first four seasons if you don't like the mushy-chick-flick stuff that makes up the fifth and sixth seasons. Oh yeah, and Gilmore Girls. [embarrassed] Watched that from the beginning.
  • Going a bit off topic, thinking about Fairly Odd Parents reminds me of how much I miss watching some of the better cartoons on Nickelodeon
    What I really miss about Nick are the game shows. I remember when my dad bought  a pirated satellite TV system for our house and back then all we had on TV were local channels, we didn't have any cable. So watching Nick, for me, was my first taste of American TV. A channel just for kids. It blew my mind.
  • What I really miss about Nick are the game shows. I remember when my dad bought  apiratedsatellite TV system for our house and back then all we had on TV were local channels, we didn't have any cable. So watching Nick, for me, was my first taste of American TV. A channel just for kids.It blew my mind.

    Yes, even though most of them were just beyond corny, the Nickelodeon game shows were awesome. I always loved watching Double Dare, and during the final round, I'd be thinking to myself, "Man, if I was on that game show, I would do so much better than these idiots". Nick Arcade was a pretty retarded show, but I couldn't help but watch the stupidity the contestants and how they couldn't do well at the games. Tales of the Forbidden Temple (I think that's the right name) was pretty fun too. I think that was probably one of the better game shows. It not only challenged you physically but mentally. You had to answer questions loosely based on real life events in history of various explorers.

    As for other children's shows, I remember Scrym talking about this in a past episode, but overall Square One TV and Where in the World is Carmen San Diego was where it was at. Hands down.
  • My guilty pleasures are Sex and the City and Grey's Anatomy. I also like the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy and The Fairly Oddparents.
  • Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego! I love that intro!

    Nick was once the best when we all were young. I'm sure when the current gen is our ages they would be saying the same thing about Nick.

    When it comes to cartoons my only guilty pleasure is still liking Arthur at 21 although I don't know when its on anymore.
  • Pokemon season 1, English Dub. Also, the new Pokemon season dub, but it makes my ears hurt. Ash's voice sounds stupider. :(

    And I love Fairly Oddparents! Although, I didn't care to much for the movies except for Channel Chasers. A kid getting to live out some TV shows is what does it for me.
  • :(.

    Avatar: The Last Airbender.
  • Grey's Anatomy
    You're not alone on that, brother. I'll admit, though, that I still never finished season 3. Gotta get on that.

    And really, why is Christina such a bitch?

    I also readily admit to enjoying House, MD way more than I should.
  • Beauty and the Geek.  I'm not sure why, but I really like it -except when the really interesting people get elimanated at the start, which always happens, but that's the way it goes.
  • House, M.D. and Scrubs.
  • And really, why is Christina such a bitch?
    Christina is hilarious!Her being a bitch is what makes her so funny. She's almost as funny as Izzy with her muffins and the always pissed off Dr. Bailey.
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