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Creative Commons

edited September 2007 in Everything Else
OK, I heard in the "how to not suck at YouTube" episode about the Creative Commons Licence, and how Geek Nights is distributed under a CC 2.5 (?) licence.
And then I started wondering how do you put something under a CC licence? Do you just say, for instance in a podcast, "oh yeah, we're under a Creative Commons licence. Please ask before using our content." I'm starting to worry about it, cause now that I have something precious to me (my stupid podcast), and I wouldn't want it to be stolen.


  • edited September 2007
    It's creative commons but we all make mistakes. Click the "License your work" button.
    [Brain fart. I've linked strait too it.]
    Post edited by Omnutia on
    It's creative commons but we all make mistakes. Click the "License your work" button.
    [Brain fart. I've linked strait too it.]
    Damn! I coulda sworn I read it on DeviantArt as Creative Comments... :P
    Anyways, thanks for the link!
  • "oh yeah, we're under a Creative Commons licence. Please ask before using our content."
    The point of the Creative Commons License is that people don't have to ask permission to use our content. We tell them right up front that they can remix, redistribute and reuse our content in any way they want within certain limitations. We personally decided that for GeekNights to require the attribution, non-commercial-sharealike limitations, but they offer licenses for any combination of limitations you desire.
  • "oh yeah, we're under a Creative Commons licence. Please ask before using our content."
    The point of the Creative Commons License is that peopledon'thave to ask permission to use our content. We tell them right up front that they can remix, redistribute and reuse our content in any way they want within certain limitations. We personally decided that for GeekNights to require the attribution, non-commercial-sharealike limitations, but they offer licenses for any combination of limitations you desire.
    Well, I couldn't remember... I just made an example.
    And as I type that, I think I just understood all of the CC.
  • Surprisingly there isn't a geeknights on the creative commons. It's the kind of thing I thought you guys would have covered.
  • edited September 2007
    It sounds like you may have gotten this already, but just in case:

    Creative Commons does not grant your work any additional protections over normal copyright law. Your work is copyrighted just by the fact that it exists; you can explicitly register the copyright with the government, but that is not usually necessary. Fair use exceptions aside, any use of your work requires your express permission.

    A license (Creative Commons or another) essentially grants everyone permission for certain uses.
    Post edited by Alex on
  • Ohhh! Ok! I get it even more now! Thanks!
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