My favorite part about that picture is that the venue who was hosting the "Psychic Fair" is named "Le Petit Mort (The Little Death)" Which is a French euphemism for an orgasm.
My favorite part about that picture is that the venue who was hosting the "Psychic Fair" is named "Le Petit Mort (The Little Death)" Which is a French euphemism for an orgasm.
"I predict you may find yourself spending a lot of money on a woman in the near future..."
Don't you have Dropbox? You can upload it to your public folder and post a link.
Downloaded on both computer and iPhone. I thank you very much for introducing me to this very useful tool that will be of great help in the future.
Anyway, that screenplay I've been shittalking about for a while has finally been worked on due to my recent acquirement ability to actually write one (I learned because a stageplay of a segment for a production in my school was recently chosen as one of the final ten segments in the final production out of about 40 submitted stageplays) is now real. I've only just begun three days ago and have been working non-stop (sleep included).
That is awesome, but I've gotta hate stupid companies that put the "Made in x" lables outside the product.
Yeah, but it was easily removed. It also has a retractable clip on the top if I ever wanted to attach it to my pants, lanyard, or whatever else. Very convenient.
Hey, you like La Blue Girl? Isn't it awesome when that Tentacle goes you know where. Did you go to the furry panel? Are you entering the masquerade? Is this your first con? What other cons have you been to? Did you go to any panels? Did you get any awesome stuff in artists alley/dealer's room? Check out my awesome penis. Hey, I am going to my room want to come? Ok, let's go.
Unsuspecting Human is biking down the road, a squirrel crouches in the bushes awaiting their approach. The squirrel looks up, its moment has come! It runs across the open ground between it and the bike and launches itself into the spokes, a curse to humanity on its lips. The bikes wheels carry the squirrel up to the fork of the handlebars, where it becomes lodged, and there it dies. The wheel immediately stops, forcing the front tire to skid and causing the teeth of the fork to snap. Human regains control of now disabled bike, gets off looks at it and takes a picture. Posts to internet. Another victory for the Squirrel Resistance Force.
Bastards are sneaky. It's especially bad when they learn how to get in your garage from their Squirrel Resistance tree outposts. Ever had to desquirrelize a cylinder? It's not pretty.
Anyway, that screenplay I've been shittalking about for a while has finally been worked on due to my recent acquirement ability to actually write one (I learned because a stageplay of a segment for a production in my school was recently chosen as one of the final ten segments in the final production out of about 40 submitted stageplays) is now real. I've only just begun three days ago and have been working non-stop (sleep included).
What? how could this happen?
-quote from a forum, courtesy of a friend of mine.
The weirdest thing? When I stop playing, the screen of my laptop seems to be drifting to the left. It's freaking me out.
Just saying, but videogames need more female characters wearing berets and turtlenecks.